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Title:Excavations at Dover Castle, Principally in the Inner Bailey A. M. Cook, D. C. Mynard, &S. E. Rigold
Originator:A. M. Cook, D. C. Mynard, & S. E. Rigold
Summary:Sepqual to a paper produced in 1967 detailing excavations which were undertaken within the Inner Bailey at Dover Castle between 1964 and 1966.

Associated Monuments

TR 34 SW 2236Buried Medieval walls relating to the former sites of the 'King's Chambers' and the 'Old Hall' , Inner Bailey, Dover Castle Kent (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2501C13th addition to Peverells Tower and Gateway, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Building) ()
TR 34 SW 2541C19th boundary stone in the barbican outside Constables Gate, Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 5Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2494Former site of barbican and towers protecting the Palace Gate within the Middle Bailey at Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2535Former site of building within the north east corner of the inner bailey of Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2542Former site of buildings to the rear of Hurst's Tower along the outer curtain of Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2539Former site of gateway on the northern side of the Contables Gate Barbican at Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2540Former site of gateway on the southern side of the Contables Gate Barbican at Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2563Former site of the Governors Stables, Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2239Possible site of buried Medieval walls relating to the possible former sites of the Kitchen within the Inner Bailey, Dover Castle Kent (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 231Pottery, post-medieval - Finds (Findspot) ()
TR 34 SW 2538Retaining wall over footing mound within the inner bailey of Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2537Small red brick oven located within the former site of a Medieval building within the Inner Bailey of Dover Castle (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2536Stone plinths at the base of the curtain wall of the Inner Bailey, Dover Catle (Monument) ()