Heritage Maps
Black and white
Aerial photography 2008
Aerial photography 1990
Aerial photography 1946
Print map
When you click the 'Print' button below, a PDF version of the current map will be produced. Once the process is complete, a link to the document entitled 'Printout' will be displayed. Click on this link to open the PDF so that you can print or save it. You can change the default title of the document by typing a new name (maximum 50 characters) in the box below.
Set the map title:
Keyboard access for the map:
- Use arrow keys to move the map
- Use + key to zoom in a level
- Use - key to zoom out a level
Keyboard access for tables:
- Open a list - With focus on the list, use the space bar to open it
- Navigate between data rows - With focus on a row, use the left, right, up, down, pageup and pagedown arrow keys to move between rows. The table may load additional content as it is scrolled which may result in a delay. Focus should appear on the appropriate row once the data has finished loading
- Select a row - With focus on a row, press the enter key
Keyboard access to turn on/off a map layer:
- Use the enter key to open/close collapsible panels
- Use the space bar to turn on/off map layers
Please enter a postcode, street name, town or grid reference (e.g. 563000,158000)
Current grid reference (x,y):