TR 34 SW 1368 | 17th/19th Century walls associated with Archcliffe fort located at Bullwark Hill, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1369 | 17th/19th Post medieval remains and Post Medieval harbour in-filling. Bulwark Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1376 | 18th/19th Century chalk vaulted cellars. Appledore Works, Limekin Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1374 | 19th Century and possible earlier post medieval lime kilns, Limekiln Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1372 | Brick Vault 1 at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2220 | Brick Vault 2 at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1152 | Dover's Medieval Town wall located on Townwall Street (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1338 | Early Medieval pits and deposits to the west of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1347 | Early post medieval masonry walling on Mill Lane and within the bed of the River Dour, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1442 | Evidence for Anglo Saxon occupation located on Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1441 | Evidence of Dover's former harbour basin, north end of Bench Street, Dover. (Landscape) () | |
TR 34 SW 678 | Former site of 10 Bench Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1373 | Former site of Holy Trinity Church, Limekiln Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1378 | former site of the Post medieval Zion chapel & associated graves. Queen Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1367 | Fort entrance structure, fort wall (17th century), Archcliffe, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1339 | Late post medieval/20th century walling on Fishmongers Lane, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1340 | Later post medieval cellar walling beneath Bench Street/Bench Street pavement, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1348 | Later post medieval masonry walling on Mill Lane and within the bed of the River Dour, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1349 | Later post medieval 'New Bridge', New Bridge Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1329 | Later post medieval/Victorian occupation along Snargate Street/Northampton Quay, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 159 | Medieval building remains Queen St/ Last Lane, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 468 | Medieval cellars, undercroft and possible garderobe shafts, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 591 | Medieval deposits at Dover Sports Centre site, Townwall St/Woolcomber Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 589 | Medieval deposits NE corner of Townwall St and Woolcomber St, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 581 | Medieval features and deposits in Fishmongers Lane, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1346 | Medieval masonry walling on Mill Lane and within the bed of the River Dour, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1379 | Medieval masonry Woolcomber Street & Townwall Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 584 | Medieval remains within Flying Horse Lane Bridge, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1342 | Medieval tower, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 580 | Medieval Town Wall beneath the York Street Roundabout, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1341 | Medieval undercroft, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1343 | Medieval walling, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1440 | Norman Cess pits located to the rear of the crypt resturant, Bench Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2221 | Possible grave cuts at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1337 | Post Medieval and 19th century cellar/boundary walls to the west of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1371 | Post Medieval building remains, harbour infill and 19th century brick culverts. Elizabeth Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1375 | Post medieval cellar and well, Limekiln Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1345 | Post medieval cellar walls located on Townwall Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1370 | Post medieval cliff retaining wall. Limekiln Street, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1330 | Post medieval occupation along Snargate Street/Northampton Quay, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 578 | Post medieval remains Queen Street / Last Lane, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2222 | Post medieval tombstone at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1344 | Post medieval walling, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1444 | Prehistoric occupation. Archcliffe (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 192 | Remains of the Medieval Boldware Gate, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 191 | Remains of the Medieval Butchery gate, Mill Lane, Dover. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1126 | Site of Dover Town Wall (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1366 | South line battery (19th century), Moat and searchlight placements. Archcliffe Fort (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1013 | The Graves, a post medieval burial ground, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1233 | Three Gun Battery, Bench Street/Townwall Street, Dover (Monument) () | |