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Title:Dover Sewers/A20 Project 1991–3, Assessment Report and Updated Project Design
Originator:Canterbury Archaeological Trust
Summary:Overview of the work carried out during the A20 road and sewers scheme and suggestions for further work to complete publication of the site.

Associated Monuments

TR 34 SW 136817th/19th Century walls associated with Archcliffe fort located at Bullwark Hill, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 136917th/19th Post medieval remains and Post Medieval harbour in-filling. Bulwark Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 137618th/19th Century chalk vaulted cellars. Appledore Works, Limekin Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 137419th Century and possible earlier post medieval lime kilns, Limekiln Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1372Brick Vault 1 at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2220Brick Vault 2 at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1152Dover's Medieval Town wall located on Townwall Street (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1338Early Medieval pits and deposits to the west of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1347Early post medieval masonry walling on Mill Lane and within the bed of the River Dour, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1442Evidence for Anglo Saxon occupation located on Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1441Evidence of Dover's former harbour basin, north end of Bench Street, Dover. (Landscape) ()
TR 34 SW 678Former site of 10 Bench Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1373Former site of Holy Trinity Church, Limekiln Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1378former site of the Post medieval Zion chapel & associated graves. Queen Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1367Fort entrance structure, fort wall (17th century), Archcliffe, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1339Late post medieval/20th century walling on Fishmongers Lane, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1340Later post medieval cellar walling beneath Bench Street/Bench Street pavement, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1348Later post medieval masonry walling on Mill Lane and within the bed of the River Dour, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1349Later post medieval 'New Bridge', New Bridge Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1329Later post medieval/Victorian occupation along Snargate Street/Northampton Quay, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 159Medieval building remains Queen St/ Last Lane, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 468Medieval cellars, undercroft and possible garderobe shafts, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 591Medieval deposits at Dover Sports Centre site, Townwall St/Woolcomber Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 589Medieval deposits NE corner of Townwall St and Woolcomber St, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 581Medieval features and deposits in Fishmongers Lane, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1346Medieval masonry walling on Mill Lane and within the bed of the River Dour, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1379Medieval masonry Woolcomber Street & Townwall Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 584Medieval remains within Flying Horse Lane Bridge, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1342Medieval tower, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 580Medieval Town Wall beneath the York Street Roundabout, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1341Medieval undercroft, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1343Medieval walling, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1440Norman Cess pits located to the rear of the crypt resturant, Bench Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2221Possible grave cuts at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1337Post Medieval and 19th century cellar/boundary walls to the west of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1371Post Medieval building remains, harbour infill and 19th century brick culverts. Elizabeth Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1375Post medieval cellar and well, Limekiln Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1345Post medieval cellar walls located on Townwall Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1370Post medieval cliff retaining wall. Limekiln Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1330Post medieval occupation along Snargate Street/Northampton Quay, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 578Post medieval remains Queen Street / Last Lane, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 2222Post medieval tombstone at 'The Graves' off Channel View Road, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1344Post medieval walling, east side of Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1444Prehistoric occupation. Archcliffe (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 192Remains of the Medieval Boldware Gate, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 191Remains of the Medieval Butchery gate, Mill Lane, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1126Site of Dover Town Wall (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1366South line battery (19th century), Moat and searchlight placements. Archcliffe Fort (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1013The Graves, a post medieval burial ground, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1233Three Gun Battery, Bench Street/Townwall Street, Dover (Monument) ()