TQ 77 NW 52 | 17th century chafing dish, found near Cliffe Jetty, Higham (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 8 | 7th cent gold coin, found 1952 (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 18 | Anglo Saxon sceatta, Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NW 42 | Belgic and Roman pottery, probable kiln site, near Nor Marsh, Gillingham (Findspot) () | |
TR 27 SE 2 | Belgic or Roman pit/quarry feature, Grenham Bay, Birchington (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 30 | Bronze Age Beaker (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NE 1053 | Bronze Age hoard of Palstaves, Minnis Bay, Birchington (Findspot) () | |
TR 37 SW 15 | Bronze Age/early Iron Age ditched enclosure and associated finds, Margate (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 139 | Bronze finds and upright timbers, possible Bronze Age settlement, St. Nicholas at Wade parish (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 114 | Castellated Trench System, Minnis Bay, Birchington (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1058 | Cremation group (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 9 | Early Iron Age briquetage site (Monument) () | |
TR 37 SW 7 | early Iron Agepits, pedestal urns (fouund 1938); possible salt working mine (Monument) () | |
TR 37 SW 1018 | Feature containing Belgic and Romano-British pottery, St. Mildred's Bay, Margate (Monument) () | |
TQ 97 SE 6 | Flint celt, found on shore near Minster, Sheppey (Findspot) () | |
TR 37 SE 1104 | Former site of Margate Pier (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NE 1047 | Four beehive kilns and Roman pottery sherds at Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 23 | Herne bay pier & tramway (Monument) () | |
TQ 87 SE 19 | Interments/ Ro; pottery/ Ro; pendant/ Ro (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 75 | Iron Age coin findspot (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1060 | Iron Age pottery sherd (Findspot) () | |
TR 37 SW 1017 | Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age settlement, St. Mildred's Bay, Margate (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 2 | Late Bronze Age settlement site, Minnis Bay, Birchington (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NW 1084 | Medieval pottery finds, Cliffe Marshes, Cliffe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NE 133 | Medieval pottery sherds on the foreshore near Plumpudding Island, Birchington (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 49 | Medieval Salt mound (Monument) () | |
TR 06 SE 6 | Medieval saltworks (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 1057 | Medieval/post medieval building remains, St. Nicholas at Wade parish (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NW 55 | Mesolithic antler mattock, Cliffe Creek (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NE 8 | Mesolithic flint working site (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 11 | Mesolithic flint working site, Lower Halstow (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 32 | Mesolithic Sites (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 23 | Mesolithic Thames pick (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 1053 | Mesolithic Thames picks (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NE 4 | Mound feature and associated finds, possible kiln?, Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 12 | Neolithic axe found near Herne Bay pier-head (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 1054 | Neolithic flint working site (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 1054 | Neolithic material, Minnis Bay, Birchington (Findspot) () | |
TQ 87 NW 9 | Neolithic polished flint axe, Allhallows-on-Sea (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 36 | Neolithic polished stone axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 74 | Neolithic stone axe (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NW 12 | Neolithic/Bronze Age flint working floor, near Motney Hill, Gillingham (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 24 | Numerous Romano-British finds/features, Minnis Bay, Birchington (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NE 1051 | Possible 1st-4th century settlement at Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NW 15 | Possible Belgic and Roman settlement sites, Cliffe (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 122 | Possible grave, Birchington (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 33 | Possible Roman kiln (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NE 35 | Possible Roman kiln site (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1062 | Possible Roman salt panning site (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 10 | Possible Romano-British occupation site (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NW 7 | Possible site of Roman settlement (2nd c pottery and floors) (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 10 | Prehistoric implements found c.1930 (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 1 | Reculver Roman fort, Herne Bay (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1 | Reculver Roman fort, Herne Bay (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1 | Reculver Roman fort, Herne Bay (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1 | Reculver Roman fort, Herne Bay (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 15 | Roman building and pottery (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NW 1083 | Roman burials and pottery, Cliffe Marshes, Cliffe (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 NE 12 | Roman burials, Thames foreshore, by Higham Saltings (Monument) () | |
TR 07 SW 8 | Roman coin hoard from the shore at Leysdown (Findspot) () | |
TQ 87 SW 7 | Roman coin pottery, building material (Findspot) () | |
TQ 87 SE 36 | Roman coins & sherds (Findspot) () | |
TQ 87 SE 10 | Roman coins and objects (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NW 1078 | Roman cremation deposits, Cliffe Marshes (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NW 5 | Roman cremation urns, found near Rainham Creek, Gillingham (Monument) () | |
TQ 87 SE 25 | Roman cremations with finds (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NW 6 | Roman finds, occupation debris, possible salt works, by Cliffe Creek, Cliffe (Monument) () | |
TQ 87 SE 17 | Roman jewellery and coins found in urn (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1059 | Roman kiln debris and pottery (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 2 | Roman potteries (sites of) (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1 | Roman potteries, sites at Milford Hope Saltings (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 134 | Roman pottery and tiles, Gore end Bay, Birchington (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NE 34 | Roman pottery find (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NW 1080 | Roman pottery find by Cliffe Creek, Cliffe (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NW 1082 | Roman pottery find, Cliffe Marshes, Cliffe (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NW 1081 | Roman pottery finds, Found at egde of Lagoon, Cliffe Marshes (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NE 1048 | Roman pottery kiln, sherds and burials at Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NW 1079 | Roman pottery scatter, Cliffe Marshes (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 79 | Roman silver ingot (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NW 45 | Roman wooden building, probably a salt winning site (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 121 | Romano-British burial, St. Nicholas at Wade parish (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 4 | Romano-British Hut; with pottery and animal bone finds (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1055 | Romano-British kiln debris, wasters (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1054 | Romano-British kiln site, site A (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1057 | Romano-British pottery found by Wilby in 1962 (Monument) () | |
TQ 77 NW 23 | Romano-British pottery, found on Cooling Marshes, Cliffe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 4 | Romano-British rubbish pit (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1063 | Romano-British rubbish pit (Monument) () | |
TQ 86 NE 49 | Romano-British saltworks (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 1112 | Salt mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 6 | Salt mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 1113 | Salt mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 7 | Salt mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 1110 | Salt mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 1111 | Salt mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 1114 | Salt mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 06 NW 1115 | Salt Mound, Isle of Harty (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1003 | Saxon ceramic vessel (Findspot) () | |
TQ 87 SW 14 | Site of Bishop's Ness battery, near South Yantlet Creek, Gillingham (Monument) () | |
TQ 87 SE 27 | Site of Roman kiln, Samian sherds and C1st vessels, Burntwick Island (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NE 115 | Slit Trenches at Minnis Bay, Birchington (Monument) () | |
TR 07 SW 1 | St James' church (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 2 | Swalecliffe foreshore, Late Prehistoric and ambiguous Prehistoric lithic finds (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NE 14 | Thames picks and flints flakes (Monument) () | |
TQ 87 SE 11 | Three Iron Age Coins (Findspot) () | |
TQ 67 SW 73 | Three Roman bronze coins, Northfleet (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NW 27 | Three Roman coins, and pottery, brick and tile (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NW 28 | Two Roman brooches, found at the mouth of Cliffe Creek, Cliffe (Findspot) () | |
TQ 86 NE 1056 | Unidentified briquettage floor surface (Findspot) () | |
TQ 87 SE 18 | Upchurch Roman puppy burials (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 49 | Various Mesolithic finds (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NE 1050 | Venus figurine and pottery find at Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Findspot) () | |
TQ 77 NE 1049 | Wall foundation and rubbish pit at Bromhey Farm, Cooling (Monument) () | |