TQ 67 SW 1469 | Early Roman alluvial deposits, peat, pottery, ceramics and coins, Ebbsfleet (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1466 | Late Neolithic pits, Ebbsfleet (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1689 | Possible Late Neolithic flint working site, Ebbsfleet (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1688 | Possible late Neolithic hearths, Ebbsfleet (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1465 | Possible Late Neolithic Structure, Ebbsfleet (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1690 | Spread of Late Neolithic burnt flint, Ebbsfleet (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1602 | Two shallow early Roman ditches, Northfleet (Monument) () | |