TR 16 NW 1048 | 29 Stone tool and flint blades (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 8 | 7th cent gold coin, found 1952 (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 78 | Anglo Saxon claw beaker findspot (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 66 | Anglo Saxon Pagan pottery (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 18 | Anglo Saxon sceatta, Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 71 | Anglo Saxon,, Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 16 | Belgic occupation material and a possible cremation burial, Studd Hill (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 16 | Belgic occupation material and a possible cremation burial, Studd Hill (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 16 | Belgic occupation material and a possible cremation burial, Studd Hill (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 16 | Belgic occupation material and a possible cremation burial, Studd Hill (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 30 | Bronze Age Beaker (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 3 | Bronze Age flanged axe found near Reculver in 1854 (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 60 | Bronze Age site (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 60 | Bronze Age site (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 60 | Bronze Age site (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 60 | Bronze Age site (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 70 | Bronze seal matrix from (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 65 | Chapel of St James, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 65 | Chapel of St James, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 65 | Chapel of St James, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 65 | Chapel of St James, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 1050 | Complex of undated timber posts, Tankerton (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 1050 | Complex of undated timber posts, Tankerton (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 1050 | Complex of undated timber posts, Tankerton (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 1050 | Complex of undated timber posts, Tankerton (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 17 | Decoy pond (area now levelled) (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 73 | Early-medieval painted sculpture (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 73 | Early-medieval painted sculpture (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 73 | Early-medieval painted sculpture (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 73 | Early-medieval painted sculpture (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 1066 | Fossilised Land Surface (Landscape) () | |
TR 26 NW 24 | Handaxe surface find from beach to east of Bishopstone Gap (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 23 | Hermitage and Chapel of St Anne (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 23 | Herne bay pier & tramway (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 23 | Herne bay pier & tramway (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 23 | Herne bay pier & tramway (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 23 | Herne bay pier & tramway (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 33 | Homestead moat, Grays Farm, Chislet, Canterbury (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 1044 | Howe Inn and Manor Moat (Building) () | |
TR 26 NW 5 | Iron Age gold coins (5), found at Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 68 | Keystone garnet disc brooch, Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 19 | L.B.A. sword (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 1007 | Large green salt-glazed jar (Maritime) () | |
TR 16 NW 1055 | Late Bronze Age cremation urn (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 3 | Late Bronze Age founder's hoard (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 231 | Livingstone Hospital (Building) () | |
TR 16 NW 11 | Looped and socketed axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 14 | Looped and socketed axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 15 | Looped and socketed axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 13 | Looped and socketed axe dredged up with two others a mile off Whitstable (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 1069 | Medieval salt mound (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 51 | Medieval Salt mound (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 49 | Medieval Salt mound (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 48 | Medieval salt mound, Chislet Marshes, St. Nicholas at Wade parish (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1068 | Medieval Saltmound (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 50 | Mesolithic finds, Beltinge (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 32 | Mesolithic Sites (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 23 | Mesolithic Thames pick (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 1053 | Mesolithic Thames picks (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NE 11 | Near perfect hammer-stone found at Hampton End, Herne Bay (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 15 | Neolithic and other Later Prehistoric flint implements and pottery, found on shore between Herne Bay and Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NE 12 | Neolithic axe found near Herne Bay pier-head (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 1054 | Neolithic flint working site (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 36 | Neolithic polished stone axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 74 | Neolithic stone axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 74 | Neolithic stone axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 74 | Neolithic stone axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 74 | Neolithic stone axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 26 | Old Customs House (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 20 | Palaeolithic hand-axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 16 | Palstave, found at Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 10 | Prehistoric implements found c.1930 (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 19 | Reculver beach, 2 x handaxe surface finds (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 61 | Reculver, Palaeolithic hand axe (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 67 | Roman corn dryer, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 67 | Roman corn dryer, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 67 | Roman corn dryer, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 67 | Roman corn dryer, Reculver (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 64 | Roman Gaulish clay figurine (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 33 | Roman Mortarium (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 62 | Roman porosphaera beads. (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 1051 | Roman Pottery and Pot Sheards (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 203 | Roman Road (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 203 | Roman Road (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NE 1045 | Roman Road (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 203 | Roman Road (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 203 | Roman Road (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 79 | Roman silver ingot (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 63 | Romano-British inscription (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 4 | Romano-British rubbish pit (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1063 | Romano-British rubbish pit (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 29 | Saltworks, Chislet Marshes (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1064 | Saltworks, Chislet Marshes (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1066 | Saltworks, Chislet Marshes (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1067 | Saltworks, Chislet Marshes (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 1065 | Saltworks, Chislet Marshes (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 13 | Saxon bronze bowl, Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 14 | Saxon glass beaker and other finds, Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 35 | Saxon pot found at Reculver (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 20 | site of 16th c. beacon (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 77 | Site of Telegraph Station (Monument) () | |
TR 26 NW 69 | Six lead seals (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 1049 | Swalecliff Brook (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 2 | Swalecliffe foreshore, Late Prehistoric and ambiguous Prehistoric lithic finds (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 22 | Thames pick (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 12 | Thames Pick (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 12 | Thames Pick (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 12 | Thames Pick (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NW 12 | Thames Pick (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NE 4 | Thames pick, near Hearne Bay pier (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NE 8 | Thames picks from Pan Sands (Findspot) () | |
TR 26 NW 21 | Two Thames picks (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NE 49 | Various Mesolithic finds (Findspot) () | |
TR 16 NE 1064 | West Brook (Monument) () | |
TR 16 NW 1052 | Whitstable & Tankerton Hospital, Whitstable (Building) () | |