TQ 57 SW 79 | 1st century flagon (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SE 61 | A Roman fibula, found at Stone (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SE 59 | A small Roman pot was found in Palmer's Pit, Stone Court (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 64 | Acheulian ovate implement (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SE 68 | Area of possible Roman activity, Craylands Lane Pit, Swanscombe (Monument) () | |
TQ 56 SW 153 | CHURCH OF SAINT BOTOLPH, Lullingstone Park (Listed Building) () | |
TQ 56 SW 137 | CHURCH OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL (Listed Building) () | |
TQ 57 SW 47 | Dartford brent (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 49 | Dartford downs (Findspot) () | |
TQ 56 SW 140 | FILSTON HALL FARMHOUSE (Listed Building) () | |
TQ 56 NE 22 | Iron Age and Romano-British occupation and several Romano-British inhumation burials (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 56 | Iron Age pottery from Temple Hill (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 61 | Leaf shaped arrowhead (Findspot) () | |
TQ 56 SW 155 | LULLINGSTONE CASTLE (Listed Building) () | |
TQ 56 SW 21 | Mesolithic flints found near Otford (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 60 | Neolithic flint axe (Findspot) () | |
TQ 55 NW 33 | Occupation floor: Mesolithic - Bronze Age implements (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SE 46 | Palaeolithic handaxe, Hawley (Findspot) () | |
TQ 56 SW 13 | Possible Tree Mound, Lullingstone Park (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 73 | Roman coin (not in situ) (Findspot) () | |
TQ 45 NE 9 | Roman cremation, found near Chevening (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 75 | Roman fibula (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 41 | Romano-British female inhumations and pottery (Monument) () | |
TQ 56 SE 3 | Romano-British tile and flint flakes (Findspot) () | |
TQ 56 SW 23 | Romano-Britishand prehistoric findspot (Monument) () | |
TQ 56 SW 25 | Roof Tile (Findspot) () | |
TQ 56 SW 150 | THE GATEHOUSE TO LULLINGSTONE CASTLE (Listed Building) () | |
TQ 57 SW 86 | Tile Kiln Lane (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 74 | Two leaf-shaped arrowheads (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 78 | Two Palaeolithic handaxes from foot of Church Hill, Wilmington (Findspot) () | |
TQ 56 SW 24 | Undated quern, pottery and flint implement (Findspot) () | |