Summary: | Extent: xvi, 532 pp, pls, figs, refs, index. Price o30 The editor's introduction indicates that 'the book cannot summarize completely the whole material of Anglo-Saxon archaeology, it merely attempts to point to certain salient features. . .' and it is meant to advise scholars about the 'limits and strength of the archaeological evidence'. The following contributions are included: P J Fowler on agriculture and rural settlement, Philip Rahtz on buildings and rural settlement (with an appended gazetteer of domestic settlement sites), Martin Biddle on the towns, Bridget Cherry on ecclesiastical architecture, R J Cramp on monastic sites, the editor on craft and industry and also on the Scandinavians in England, J G Hurst on the pottery, Michael Dolley on the coins, and Juliet Clutton-Brock on the animal resources. Two further appendices deal with evidence from Whitby Abbey. |