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Title:The Archaeology of Mining and Quarrying in England, A Research Framework
Originator:National Association of Mining History Organisation
Summary:Evidence collected in the first part of a Research Framework for the Archaeology of the Extractive Industries in England, carried out by the National Association of Mining History Organisations. It is the first time such a comprehensive assessment of the historic extractive industries has been attempted and the opportunity was taken to carry out an in-depth study of the available resources, using published material before moving on to examine the current state of archaeological investigation. In doing so it brings together current knowledge on a wide range of issues, the geological background, the technologies used, the infrastructure of the industries, including the impact on transport links and settlement. It also examines historical, document based research and our knowledge of the industries based on archaeological investigation, not just for the extraction (mining or quarrying) of the minerals but their preparation and processing where it was carried out on or close to the extraction site.

Associated Monuments

TR 23 NW 11Folkestone Roman villa (Monument) ()