Summary: | The report details the results of a desk-based assessment on land near Quarry Wood, Aldington, Kent.
Taken from the report: "Executive Summary: Land at Quarry Wood is proposed for development. No statutory designations relating to the historic environment apply to the site and the HER does not contain any evidence for archaeological sites and finds on the site itself. The site lies approximately 200m north east of Aldington Clap Hill Conservation Area and a small number of Listed Buildings lie within a 500m radius of the study site. Cartographic evidence shows that much of the site was quarried during the 19th and 20th centuries. Quarrying will have completely removed any archaeological potential. However where quarrying has not taken place these areas are considered to have a low archaeological potential for all past periods of human activity. The proposed development is unlikely to impact on significant archaeological remains and as a result no further archaeological mitigation measures have been suggested in this instance. The proposed development is unlikely to have an adverse effect on the setting of the Conservation Area of the surrounding Listed Buildings." |