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Monument details

HER Number:MWX51507
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible WWII gun emplacement or weapons pit, and a possible bunker or air-raid shelter


A possible WWII gun emplacement or weapons pit, and a possible bunker or air-raid shelter are visible on aerial photographs of 1946 as structures just on the seaward side of Coast Drive, to the south of Lade. These features were mapped from aerial photographs as part of the South East RCZAS NMP project.

Grid Reference:TR 0884 1952
Map Sheet:TR01NE

Monument Types

Full description

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The two earthworks are centred at TR 0884 1953, and lie approximately 111m apart SSE to NNW. The possible weapons pit or gun emplacement, centred at TR 0883 1959, consists of a wide banked earthwork which in plan view is circular at its outer edge, but roughly square-shaped towards its tallest point in the centre. A roughly square pit sits within the centre of this earthwork. The overall structure is approximately 12m in diameter. It is situated just behind the barbed wire and beach scaffolding defences (Monument Numbers 1533410, 1533475), and may therefore have been some form of defensive outpost associated with them.

The possible bunker or air-raid shelter is centred at TR 0885 1948, and is also approximately 12m across. It is very roughly squared in plan view, and appears to consist of a mound of shingle on the beach. As with the possible gun emplacement, above, it is situated just behind the barbed wire and beach scaffolding defences (Monument Numbers 1533410, 1533475), and may therefore have been some form of defensive outpost associated with them.

Neither of these structures is visible as either extant or levelled earthworks on vertical aerial photographs of 1962. On the shingle of the area; it is not expected that a levelled earthwork would be visible in any form as may be the case, for example, on grassland or even bare soil (1-2).

<1> RAF, 1946, NMR RAF/106G/UK/1725 3108-3109 10-SEPT-1946 (Photograph). SWX23823.

<2> 1962, NMR MAL/62513 97955-6 11-APR-1962 (Photograph). SWX23770.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Photograph: RAF. 1946. NMR RAF/106G/UK/1725 3108-3109 10-SEPT-1946.
<2>Photograph: 1962. NMR MAL/62513 97955-6 11-APR-1962.

Related records

1533410Part of: Extensive beachfront Second World War barbed wire defences are visible on aerial photographs of 1943 (Monument)