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Monument details

HER Number:MWX43127
Type of record:Monument
Name:WWII trench & bank system associated with 2 military buildings and two pillboxes,located on the landward side of Prince Edward's Promenade,Ramsgate


WWII trench & bank system associated with 2 military buildings and two pillboxes, located on the landward side of Prince Edward's Promenade, Ramsgate and visible on military aerial photographs.

Grid Reference:TR 36929 64117
Map Sheet:TR36SE

Monument Types

Full description

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WWII trench & bank system associated with 2 military buildings and two pillboxes, located on the landward side of Prince Edward's Promenade, Ramsgate and visible on military aerial photographs.

This monument comprises three lengths of slit trench, two of which form a semi-circle with a break in the middle but have a total length of approximately 60m, whilst the third extends through the western trench parallel to the coastline, measuring approximately 40m. Banking is evident around most of the ditch. At the two tips of the semi-circular trenches lies a building; the eastern one is rectangular and measures 9m by 5m and the western one is more irregular in shape but measures around 12m by 4m.

These features are first visible and have been mapped from military aerial photographs taken in February 1941 [1], and are gone by May 1942 [2].

Two pillboxes are present on either side of the slit trenching. The western pillbox lies 60m from the structures associated with the slit trenching, in the corner of the miniature golf course. It is an irregular hexagon and measures 4.5m by 3.8m. The other pillbox lies 24m to the east of the structures associated with the slit trenching, and is rectangular in shape measuring 2.9m by 2.8m.

These two structures are first visible in February 1941 [1] and the eastern one is gone by May 1942 [2], whilst the western one is gone by April 1946 [3].

This complex of military features were part of the defence strategies for the south-east coast.

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