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Monument details

HER Number:TR 36 NE 689
Type of record:Monument
Name:Probable former field boundaries Ozengell


An aerial photograph and LiDAR analysis carried out in 2013 identified a a set of probable former field boundaries and trackways east of Ozengell Grange

Grid Reference:TR 3582 6556
Map Sheet:TR36NE

Monument Types

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An aerial photograph and LiDAR analysis carried out in 2013 identified a a set of probable former field boundaries and trackways east of Ozengell Grange

From the report:

"A long bank and shorter perpendicular banks and ditches are visible as earthworks, soilmarks and
cropmarks on air photographs and on the lidar imagery. (1-3)
The long bank is visible on the lidar imagery running in a south-westerly direction from TR3599 6582 on
the B2050 to TR6567 6531, almost as far as the railway line. Most, though not all of this feature
coincides with the south-eastern bounds of three fields depicted on the 1841 Tithe Map. (4)
The linears at TR3572 6555, TR3580 6569 were also depicted as field boundaries on the 1841 Tithe
Map and these and most of the long boundary were still extant on the earliest air photographs. (5)
The bank running from the south-eastern corner of Ozengell Grange at TR3572 6562 is not depicted on
the tithe map, though a small kink is depicted where it would have met the long boundary.
The bank at TR3581 6566 may be the remains of trackway leading into the north-eastern corner of the
grange complex from the B2050.."(1)

<1> Alison Deegan, 2013, Air photo and lidar mapping and interpretation for land at Ozengell Grange, Ramsgate, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31449.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Unpublished document: Alison Deegan. 2013. Air photo and lidar mapping and interpretation for land at Ozengell Grange, Ramsgate, Kent.