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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NE 1742
Type of record:Building
Name:Church of St Mary Bredin


The church of St Mary Bredin was founded by Hamo in the early 12th century.

The church was pulled down in 1866 and rebuilt the following year. The church was finally destroyed in 1942. The church was then rebuilt on a site to the east of Canterbury on Old Dover Road in 1957 where it still stands to this day.

Grid Reference:TR 1505 5743
Map Sheet:TR15NE

Monument Types

  • CHURCH (Medieval to Modern - 1200 AD? to 1942 AD)
  • CEMETERY (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • CHURCH (Modern - 1957 AD to 2050 AD)

Full description

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The church of St Mary Bredin was founded by Hamo in the early 12th century.
The church was pulled down in 1866 and rebuilt the following year. The church was finally destroyed in 1942. The church was then rebuilt on a site to the east of Canterbury on Old Dover Road in 1957 where it still stands to this day. The small surrounding graveyard of the original is now sited under the Marlowe Shopping Precincts. The name of the church implies that the first 12th century church was actually constructed of wood. A document dated c.1206 mentions as St Mary's "which used to be made of wood".
The earliest church is thought to have been excavated in 1978 in the garden of 6 Watling Street. The Medieval patron of the church was St Sepulchre's Nunnery.

Ordnance Survey, 1874, 1st Edition Map of Canterbury 1874 (Map). SKE30106.

Urry, W., 1967, Canterbury under the Angevin Kings (Monograph). SKE28529.

Tatton-Brown, Tim., 1980, Canterbury Parish Churches (Unpublished document). SKE28328.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Tatton-Brown, Tim.. 1980. Canterbury Parish Churches.
---Monograph: Urry, W.. 1967. Canterbury under the Angevin Kings.
---Map: Ordnance Survey. 1874. 1st Edition Map of Canterbury 1874.