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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NW 2039
Type of record:Monument
Name:Roman City Defensive Wall, between London Gate and Worthgate


The purpose of this dig was to determine if the Roman bank (located in 1952) overlay Watling Street whose true course had been meanwhile traced on the NW side of the river. A gateway, The London Gate was also found during the excavation.

Grid Reference:TR 1443 5761
Map Sheet:TR15NW

Monument Types

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In April 1955 a further trench was excavated in the Westgate Gardens by the Canterbury Excavation Committee who had dug three trenches in 1952. This trench was coded CXXVII WG IV.
The purpose of this dig was to determine if the Roman bank (located in 1952) overlay Watling Street whose true course had been meanwhile traced on the NW side of the river. A gateway, The London Gate, was also found during the excavation and became the focus for investigation. The city wall had been badly robbed at this point, but a drain which ran through the wall just north of the gate was well preserved. Several road-surfaces were uncovered, contemporary with and earlier than the gateway.

Frere, SS, Stow, S, and Bennett, P, 1982, Excavations on the Roman and Medieval Defences of Canterbury. (Monograph). SKE28530.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Monograph: Frere, SS, Stow, S, and Bennett, P. 1982. Excavations on the Roman and Medieval Defences of Canterbury..