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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NE 1313
Type of record:Monument
Name:The Refectory, St. Augustine's Abbey


The refectory was a long rectangular building measuring about 80 feet in length E-W by about 50 feet wide N-S, and had a series of large buttresses along its northern side.

Grid Reference:TR 1548 5780
Map Sheet:TR15NE

Monument Types

Full description

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The Refectory, or Frater was situated directly on the north side of the great cloister. The entrance to the refectory led into a cross-passage with an internal door into the dining hall, and another door leading out to the kitchen at the far west end on the north side. The refectory was built by Abbot Hugh of Fleury I, between 1099-1124. It was re-built under Abbot Roger II of Chichester in the 1260's.

At the east end of the refectory was a dias or raised platform on which the Abott's table would have been placed. There was also an undercroft below the floor level which was possibly used for storage. There were arches along the the north side of the building which gave acess to the undercroft from the kitchen. All meals would have been taken communally in the refectory. There was a rule of silence, which the monks communicating in sign language if strictly necessary, while one of the monks read a lesson from the Bible.

The refectory was a long rectangular building measuring about 80 feet in length E-W by about 50 feet wide N-S, and had a series of large buttresses along its northern side.

Tatton-Brown, T., 1985, Three Great Benedictine Houses in Kent: Their Buildings & Topography (Article in serial). SKE8094.

Sherlock, D. & Woods, B. A., 1988, St. Augustine's Abbey: Report on Excavations, 1960-78 (Monograph). SKE30287.

Roebuck, J., 2002, St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury (Monograph). SKE30293.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Monograph: Sherlock, D. & Woods, B. A.. 1988. St. Augustine's Abbey: Report on Excavations, 1960-78.
---Monograph: Roebuck, J.. 2002. St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury.
---Article in serial: Tatton-Brown, T.. 1985. Three Great Benedictine Houses in Kent: Their Buildings & Topography. Vol C pages 171 - 188.