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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NE 1198
Type of record:Monument
Name:Lady Chapel or Deans Chapel, Christchurch Cathedral


The Lady Chapel or Deans Chapel was rebuilt during the later stages of the rebuilding of the nave in between1377 and 1405, on the site of Lanfranc's Lady Chapel. The Lady Chapel was largely completed in c. 1405 and finally finished off in 1455 by Prior Goldstone the first. Originally there were carvings of angels and leaf trails on the walls, however these were cut away to make room for stall-work. The chapel is set aside for private prayer.

Grid Reference:TR 1510 5793
Map Sheet:TR15NE

Monument Types

  • CATHEDRAL (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • CHAPEL (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • PRIORY (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
Protected Status:Listed Building (I) 1336823: CHRISTCHURCH CATHEDRAL

Full description

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The Deans Chapel, or Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, opens off the Martyrdom through a 15th century screen. It is known as the Deans' Chapel because of the number of Deans buried there. The ceiling of the Chapel is a fine example of fan-tracery and in the east window there is 15th century glass given by Archbishop Bourchier, who died in 1486.

The Lady Chapel or Deans Chapel was rebuilt during the later stages of the rebuilding of the nave in between 1377 and 1405, on the site of Lanfranc's Lady Chapel. Remains of the original floor of Lanfranc's Lady Chapel were exposed during excavations by Canterbury Archaeological Trust in 1993 and these consisted of slabs of Purbeck Marble. The Lady Chapel was largely completed in c. 1405 and finally finished off in 1455 by Prior Goldstone the first. Originally there were carvings of angels and leaf trails on the walls, however these were cut away to make room for stall-work. The chapel is set aside for private prayer.

Unknown, 1945, The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Christ, Canterbury, A Handbook for Pilgrims (Monograph). SKE30198.

Willett, C., 1960, Canterbury Cathedral A Pictorial Guide (Monograph). SKE29722.

Blockley, K., Sparks, M. & Tatton-Brown, T., 1997, Canterbury Cathedral Nave, Archaeology, History and Architecture (Monograph). SKE29723.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Monograph: Willett, C.. 1960. Canterbury Cathedral A Pictorial Guide.
---Monograph: Blockley, K., Sparks, M. & Tatton-Brown, T.. 1997. Canterbury Cathedral Nave, Archaeology, History and Architecture.
---Monograph: Unknown. 1945. The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Christ, Canterbury, A Handbook for Pilgrims.