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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NW 1641
Type of record:Monument
Name:The Woodman's Arms. 122-124 Wincheap Street.


An inn known as the Woodman's Arms, which was in existance from 1837-1955.

Grid Reference:TR 1423 5713
Map Sheet:TR15NW

Monument Types

  • INN (Post Medieval to Modern - 1837 AD to 1955 AD)

Full description

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In the directory of 1838 the address of the Woodman's Arms was given as No. 55 Wincheap Street. Due to various reasons the numbers of buildings in Wincheap in the 1990's are quite different from the nineteenth century and even from just post the Second World War. The first licence was issued to Pierson Dray in 1837. In 1847 it was issued to Edward Charrison and in 1855 to Mrs E Charrison. Four years later the licence was transferred from Mrs Charrison to William Webb.

A nineteenth century directory stated that the house had been called Thanington House and it was next to 'Coopers Lane'. Mr E James was named innkeeper in 1882; George King in 1898 and Mr W J Rolfe in 1900 (all named in directories). The inn was still there in 1940 and closed in 1955. It is now occupied by a shop Hinges and Brackets.

Wilmot, E., 1992, Eighty Lost Inns of Canterbury (Monograph). SKE29747.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Monograph: Wilmot, E.. 1992. Eighty Lost Inns of Canterbury.