It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument details
HER Number: | TR 15 NW 1591 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Name: | Post medieval cess pit, land behind the Beaney Institute, Canterbury |
A timber-lined cess pit, backfilled in the 18th century.
Grid Reference: | TR 1486 5792 |
Map Sheet: | TR15NW |
Monument Types
- CESS PIT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1800 AD)
Associated Finds
- BOTTLE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1800 AD)
- JUG (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1800 AD)
- PIPE (SMOKING) (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1800 AD)
- SHERD (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1800 AD)
- TANKARD (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1800 AD)
Full description
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A series of interventions including evaluations, watching briefs and a borehole survey, culminating in an open area excavation to the rear of the Beaney Institute were carried out by Canterbury Archaeological Trust between 2008 and 2010. A timber-lined cess pit, backfilled in the 18th century, was found. It contained stoneware tankards and a jug, plus pottery, bottles and clay pipes. (1)
<1> Weekes, J., 2012, Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interim Reports, Archaeologia Cantiana CXXXII 2012: 293-4 (Article in serial). SKE25119.
Sources and further reading
| Source description | <1> | Article in serial: Weekes, J.. 2012. Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interim Reports. Arch Cant CXXXII: 291-305. Archaeologia Cantiana CXXXII 2012: 293-4. |