It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument details
HER Number: | TR 34 SW 441 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Name: | Former site of Christ Church, Folkestone Road, Dover. |
The former site of Christ Church is located here on a number of historic maps dating to the last dacades of the 19th and early 20th century. During an archaeological watching brief undertaken ahead of development at the eastern end of Folkestone Road, the remains of the 19th century Christ Church were revealed. These included the brick and concrete foundations of the church, alongside a previously unrecorded burial vault. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)
Grid Reference: | TR 6316 1415 |
Map Sheet: | TR61SW |
Parish: | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Monument Types
- CHURCH (CHURCH, Post Medieval to Modern - 1843 AD to 1977 AD)
- VAULT (Post Medieval - 1854 AD to 1854 AD)
Full description
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The former site of Christ Church is located here on a number of historic maps dating to the last dacades of the 19th and early 20th century. (1-5) During an archaeological watching brief undertaken ahead of development at the eastern end of Folkestone Road, the remains of the 19th century Christ Church were revealed. These included the brick and concrete foundations of the church, which were removed during the works. The foundation stone of Christ Church was laid on the 2nd of August, 1843, and was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury in July 1844. It was constructed of Kentish ragstone in the gothic style, with a later bell turret at the south-west corner. The church yard does not appear to have been extensively used for burials, this is likely due to the fact that laws were brought in shortly after the church was completed which stopped burials in churchyards in urban centres. The church was demolished in 1977, during which time many of the associated burial vaults were also removed and relocated to Hougham churchyard. During the archaeological investigation of the plot formerly occupied by the church a previously unknown burial was recovered. The coffin was discovered in a brick built vault about 9ft below the ground level, research revealed that this is likely to be the remains of Revered Thomas Morris, rector of St. James and Vicar of Hougham. (6-8)
Historic England archive material: BF051865 CHRISTCHURCH, DOVER
<1> Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 1st edition 1862-1875): Landmark Epoch 1 (Map). SKE30964.
<2> C. E. Goad, 1905, Kent Fire insurance plans sheets 1-7 (Map). SKE51666.
<3> Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 2nd Edition, 1897-1900): Landmark Epoch 2 (Map). SKE30965.
<4> Landmark, 1907-1923, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 3rd Edition, 1907-1923) (Map). SKE30966.
<5> Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 4th Edition, 1929-1952) (Map). SKE30967.
<6> Unknown, 1992, Dover Express (Newspaper). SKe6778.
<7> Unknown, 1992, Citizen 13/05/1992 (Serial). SKE6779.
<8> Dover Archaeological Group, 1992, Report upon an Archaeological Watching Brief maintained on the Site of Christ Chuch off Folkestone Road, Dover, Dover Ach Group 1991 Watching Brief at Church of Christ The King, Folkestone Rd, Dover (Unpublished document). SKE6777.
Sources and further reading
| Source description | <1>XY | Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 1st edition 1862-1875): Landmark Epoch 1. [Mapped feature: #1204 Church, ] |
<2> | Map: C. E. Goad. 1905. Kent Fire insurance plans sheets 1-7. |
<3> | Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 2nd Edition, 1897-1900): Landmark Epoch 2. |
<4> | Map: Landmark. 1907-1923. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 3rd Edition, 1907-1923). |
<5> | Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 4th Edition, 1929-1952). |
<6> | Newspaper: Unknown. 1992. Dover Express. |
<7> | Serial: Unknown. 1992. Citizen 13/05/1992. |
<8> | Unpublished document: Dover Archaeological Group. 1992. Report upon an Archaeological Watching Brief maintained on the Site of Christ Chuch off Folkestone Road, Dover. Dover Ach Group 1991 Watching Brief at Church of Christ The King, Folkestone Rd, Dover. |
Related records
TR 34 SW 2160 | Parent of: Former site of Vicarage associated with Christ Church, Folkestone Road, Dover (Monument) |