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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 74 NE 139
Type of record:Monument
Name:Wierton Place


Wierton Place

Grid Reference:TQ 78177 49864
Map Sheet:TQ74NE

Monument Types

  • GARDEN TERRACE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD to 2050 AD)
  • PARK (Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD to 2050 AD)
  • CONSERVATORY (Post Medieval to Modern - 1869 AD to 2050 AD)
Protected Status:Historic Park or Garden 353: Wierton Place

Full description

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The previous house was a brick mock-Jacobean small country house built in 1869. There is a terrace to the south of the house with typical Victorian gravel paths, urns, yuccas, and ornamental trees including a dead ash. A small area of parkland remains to the east and the south of the house, grazed by cattle. There are clumps of mature horse chestnut and beech.

Park railings line the driveway leading from the lodge and stone entrance gates, to the house towards the west. Areas of rhododendrons, ash, cypresses, box, beech and acacias are also enclosed by the park railings. Victorian gardens included woodland walkways and shrub borders near the house, but these are now gone.

However, to the north of the house, beyond the car park, is a rectangular walled garden backed by a spectacular and quite beautiful Victorian conservatory. This is remarkable not only in its enormous size, but also because of its graceful design and the fine wrought iron work and tiled floors. This is currently in poor condition, but could be restored to its former glory.

The complex of barns, coach house and stables, were sold off and the estate was split up about 15 years ago when the Country Club took over. The orchards to the west of the house now belong to a local farmer. There was considerable storm damage to the gardens and house.

Site timeline
1987: There was considerable storm damage to the gardens and house.

Park railings line the driveway leading from the lodge and stone entrance gates, to the house towards the west.

There is a terrace to the south of the house with typical Victorian gravel paths, urns, yuccas, and ornamental trees including a dead ash.

Feature created: 1869
There is a spectacular and quite beautiful Victorian conservatory. This is remarkable not only in its enormous size, but also because of its graceful design and the fine wrought iron work and tiled floors. This is currently in poor condition, but could be restored to its former glory.

Victorian gardens included woodland walkways and shrub borders near the house, but these are now gone.
Planted: 1869 to 2008

<1> Parks and Gardens Data Services Limited (PGDS), 2005, Parks and Gardens UK ( (Website). SKE16061.

<2> Kent County Council, 1996, The historic parks and gardens of Kent (Kent Gardens Compendium) (Unpublished document). SKE12972.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Website: Parks and Gardens Data Services Limited (PGDS). 2005. Parks and Gardens UK (
<2>Unpublished document: Kent County Council. 1996. The historic parks and gardens of Kent (Kent Gardens Compendium).