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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 57 SE 275
Type of record:Landscape
Name:Hesketh Park, Dartford


Hesketh Park is an early 20th-century public park. Its features include a cricket ground, bowling green, a pavilion in cottage ornee style, pleasure gardens, a children's playground and a wooded area known as 'The Dell'.

Grid Reference:TQ 5539 7359
Map Sheet:TQ57SE

Monument Types

  • PUBLIC PARK (Modern - 1901 AD to 2050 AD)
Protected Status:Historic Park or Garden 139: Hesketh Park, Dartford

Full description

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Hesketh Park was set up with lofty ideals of beauty, healthy recreation and temperance, and as a place of enjoyment for all. There is cricket, bowling and a children's playground.

Behind the cottage-ornee-style pavilion is a valley garden, devised with hills and hollows, winding paths and grassed areas between groups of trees and shrubs. It retains the character of the Edwardian planting and has, amongst other unusual trees, a rare Cotoneaster bacifloris. The sundial of 1794 is an interesting example of a square wall dial. (1-2)

<1> Parks and Gardens Data Services Limited (PGDS), 2005, Parks and Gardens UK ( (Website). SKE16061.

<2> Kent County Council, 1996, The historic parks and gardens of Kent (Kent Gardens Compendium) (Unpublished document). SKE12972.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Website: Parks and Gardens Data Services Limited (PGDS). 2005. Parks and Gardens UK (
<2>Unpublished document: Kent County Council. 1996. The historic parks and gardens of Kent (Kent Gardens Compendium).