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Monument details

HER Number:TR 05 SE 33
Type of record:Findspot
Name:Anglo-Saxon knife and associated materials, Godmersham


An Anglo-Saxon knife was found protruding from a bank beneath the wall of the churchyard at Godmersham in 1974. During further examination of the site in 1975 a soil-filling hollow, possibly an an old disused track was found containing fragments of human and animal remains, and several sherds, of Romano-British coarse-ware pottery. The discovery of the knife is thought to be evidence of a 10th century grave that has been disturbed by a later burial. This artefact is now thought to be held by the Royal Museum in Canterbury.

The site lies at the foot of an east facing Downland slope, looking across the Stour valley. OD 30-35m.

Grid Reference:TR 0615 5042
Map Sheet:TR05SE

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 1065 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • KNIFE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 1065 AD)

Full description

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TR 061504, Godmersham: An Anglo-Saxon knife was found in 1974 protruding from the bank beneath the wall of the churchyard. It was identified by Miss Louise Millard and presented to the Royal Museum, Canterbury. On examining the site in 1975 a soil-filling hollow suggesting an old disused track was found: this contained fragments ofhuman and animal remains, apparently diliberate infill from a point now beneath the churchyard wall. Several sherds, four of which were from Romano-British coarse-ware vessels were found. The finding of the knife in these circumstances is probably due to a 10th century grave being disturbed by a later burial. (1)

Andrew Richardson, 2000, Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries and Burial-Sites in Kent (Unpublished document). SKE29253.

<1> Arch Cant 91 1975 203-4 (J Bradshaw) (OS Card Reference). SKE36047.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Andrew Richardson. 2000. Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries and Burial-Sites in Kent.
<1>OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 91 1975 203-4 (J Bradshaw).