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Monument details

HER Number:TR 13 SW 92
Type of record:Monument


Pillbox [Sector 4]. Cassini ref 583515

Summary from record 1428552:

A Second World War reinforced concrete pillbox is located at Hythe, within the Hythe firing ranges (Monument Number 1531850). A pillbox was not visible on the available historical aerial photographs at the location given but it is likely to be the pillbox visible 211 meters to the southwest.

Grid Reference:TR 1447 3328
Map Sheet:TR13SW

Monument Types

  • PILLBOX (Modern - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
  • PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/24) (Modern - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)

Full description

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Hythe.Pillbox [Sector 4]. Cassini ref 583515

Description from record 1428552:
Pillbox [Sector 4]. Cassini ref 583515. Hythe. (1)

There was no pillbox visible on the historical aerial photographs at the location given above (Source 1) but a pillbox (possibly a Type 24) was visible 211meters to the southwest at TR 1447 3328, which is likely to be the pillbox described above (Source 1). The pillbox is located at the head of the beach and is facing south but was subsequently demolished and was not visible on recent aerial photographs taken in 2003. This pillbox was mapped as part of the South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment NMP. (2-3)

Unknown, 1940, List of Pillboxes, Defended Houses, and Roadblocks (Unpublished document). SKE13159.

<1> Council for British Archaeology, 2002/6, Defence of Kent database (Digital archive). SWX23603.

<2> RAF, 1946, NMR RAF/106G/UK/1112 3114-3115 12-JAN-1946 (Photograph). SWX23803.

<3> Vertical aerial photograph reference number (Unspecified Type). SWX23754.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Unknown. 1940. List of Pillboxes, Defended Houses, and Roadblocks.
<1>Digital archive: Council for British Archaeology. 2002/6. Defence of Kent database.
<2>Photograph: RAF. 1946. NMR RAF/106G/UK/1112 3114-3115 12-JAN-1946.
<3>(No record type): Vertical aerial photograph reference number.