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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 97 SW 11
Type of record:Monument
Name:Romano-British cremations


A mid to late 2nd century Romano British burial ground found in 1968 on the site of the new Sheppey High School. Excavations disclosed three burial groups, each consisting of an urn containing bone and one or two platters or beakers. A small bead necklace or bracelet of glass and jet beads and imitation pearls was discovered.

Grid Reference:TQ 9377 7264
Map Sheet:TQ97SW

Monument Types

Associated Finds

  • BEAKER (Roman - 133 AD to 199 AD)
  • BRACELET (Roman - 133 AD to 199 AD)

Full description

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[TQ 93767265]. A Number of 2nd century cremation burials, three of which were in situ, were discovered in September 1968 during the construction of a new school. (1) An emergency excavation of the site was carried out by the Sittingbourne Group of the Kent A.R.G (2). The site of the excavation was indicated on the ground at TQ 93777264, in front of the boiler house, by the Clerk of Works, (Gilbert Ash Ltd). Site surveyed at 1:2500 (3). TQ 93787265: RB burials found in September 1968 on the site of the new Sheppey High School. The first indication was by surface finds of a platter base and flagon head. A search disclosed more unstratified material and excavations followed. All finds have suffered historic or recent damage, and from the effects of an acid soil. The unstratified material consisted of at least twelve pottery items and bone. The excavations disclosed three burial groups, each consisting generally of an urn containing bone and one or two platters or beakers. One item of interest was a small bead necklace or bracelet of glass and possibly jet beads, also having imitation pearls - rare at this early date. The material found points to a typical mid-to-late second century AD cremation burial site. The three burials found and the unstratified bone show at least four burials; the number was probably greater. A labourer stated that other material had been found nearby but a dig with a JCB proved unproductive (4). The potential for the good survival of any potential cremations is not considered to be high despite the fact that they are unlikely to have been significantly disturbed since the school was built in the late 60s. There is insufficient evidence to recommend the scheduling of all or part of the site at the present time. (5) Additional reference (6).

<1> Letter & Plan (PE Leach 28 10 68 - AO/L) (OS Card Reference). SKE46015.

<2> Letter (BJ Philip 4 11 68 - AO/P) (OS Card Reference). SKE46024.

<3> F1 ASP 25-NOV-69 (OS Card Reference). SKE42291.

<4> KAR 18 Winter 1969-70 7 (P Leach) (OS Card Reference). SKE45245.

<5> Field report for monument TQ 97 SW 11 - November, 1969 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5029.

<6> Leach, P.E., 1969, Sheppey Romano-British burials (Article in serial). SWX7661.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>OS Card Reference: Letter & Plan (PE Leach 28 10 68 - AO/L).
<2>OS Card Reference: Letter (BJ Philip 4 11 68 - AO/P).
<3>XYOS Card Reference: F1 ASP 25-NOV-69. [Mapped feature: #36952 Cremations, ]
<4>OS Card Reference: KAR 18 Winter 1969-70 7 (P Leach).
<5>Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 97 SW 11 - November, 1969.
<6>Article in serial: Leach, P.E.. 1969. Sheppey Romano-British burials. 18, pages 7.