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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 87 SE 4
Type of record:Monument
Name:Pottery kilns (site of)/ Roman, Sharpness Saltings


Probable Roman pottery kilns sites now destroyed by tidal erosion.

Grid Reference:TQ 8542 7191
Map Sheet:TQ87SE

Monument Types

Full description

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[Name at TQ 85427192] Roman Potteries [R] (site of) [NAT] (1) Roman pottery kilns on Sharpness Saltings. (2) 'Applies to site of some Roman Potteries situated on the saltings south of the River Medway and on the north side of the parish of Upchurch. (3) Not investigated - situated in an area of inaccessible mud flats, but for pottery kilns which possibly apply - see TQ 87 SE 27. (4) General area centred approximately TQ 85427192; Deposits of abundant pottery probably observed in the 19th century. Probable Roman pottery kiln sites, now destroyed by tidal erosion (5). Additional reference (6). No visible remains in 2004. (7)

<1> OS 6" 1909 (OS Card Reference). SKE48324.

<2> Rec 6" (CW Phillips AO, undtd) (OS Card Reference). SKE49022.

<3> Rev ONB 8 (G Webb, Estate Agent, Sittingbourne, 1907) (OS Card Reference). SKE49204.

<4> F1 AC 14-AUG-63 (OS Card Reference). SKE41800.

<5> Pottery Kilns of Ro Brit RCHME Supp Ser 5 1984 420 (VG Swan) (OS Card Reference). SKE48561.

<6> Field report for monument TQ 87 SE 4 - August, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4651.

<7> Wessex Archaeology, 2005, North Kent Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey: Phase ll: Field Assessment Year One report (Unpublished document). SWX12121.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1909.
<2>OS Card Reference: Rec 6" (CW Phillips AO, undtd).
<3>OS Card Reference: Rev ONB 8 (G Webb, Estate Agent, Sittingbourne, 1907).
<4>OS Card Reference: F1 AC 14-AUG-63.
<5>OS Card Reference: Pottery Kilns of Ro Brit RCHME Supp Ser 5 1984 420 (VG Swan).
<6>XYBibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 87 SE 4 - August, 1963. [Mapped feature: #31836 Kilns, ]
<7>Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2005. North Kent Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey: Phase ll: Field Assessment Year One report.