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It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.

Monument details

HER Number:TQ 76 NE 30
Type of record:Monument
Name:Saxon inhumation burial, Watling Street, Gillingham


An inhumation burial containing a reasonably complete skeleton found during the excavation of foundation trenches for the Central Hotel, adjacent to the A2 (Watling Street). The burial also included a 'Saxon' pot. At the time (c.1934) the remains were moved to Gillingham Museum. This museum is now closed and its contents have been dispersed.

The site lies on a north-east facing slope. OD 75-80m.

Grid Reference:TQ 7915 6667
Map Sheet:TQ76NE

Monument Types

  • INHUMATION (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD)

Associated Finds

  • POT (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD)

Full description

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TQ 790687(2) A fairly complete skeleton with a broken Saxon pot "of a usual variety" was found at a depth fo 18ins. when digging the foundations of the Central Hotel between Woodlands Lane and Grange Lane. Jessup examined the skeleton at the request of the police. The remains were moved to Gillingham Museum. (1-2) Central Hotel, built c. 1934 is centred at TQ 79156668. The present proprietor, Mr Charles A.L. Cox, knows nothing about the discovery. (3) Additional bibliography. (4)

Andrew Richardson, 2000, Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries and Burial-Sites in Kent (Unpublished document). SKE29253.

<1> Arch Cant 46 1934 201 (R F Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE35182.

<2> Oral R F Jessup (OS Card Reference). SKE47982.

<3> Early A/S Burial Sites 1964 121 (Audrey Meaney) (OS Card Reference). SKE41557.

<4> F1 ASP 01-JUN-65 (OS Card Reference). SKE41871.

<5> Gaz of Early AS burial sites 1964 121 (ALS Meaney) (OS Card Reference). SKE43532.

<6> Field report for monument TQ 76 NE 30 - June, 1965 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4054.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Andrew Richardson. 2000. Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries and Burial-Sites in Kent.
<1>XYOS Card Reference: Arch Cant 46 1934 201 (R F Jessup). [Mapped feature: #21691 cemetery, ]
<2>OS Card Reference: Oral R F Jessup.
<3>OS Card Reference: Early A/S Burial Sites 1964 121 (Audrey Meaney).
<4>OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 01-JUN-65.
<5>OS Card Reference: Gaz of Early AS burial sites 1964 121 (ALS Meaney).
<6>Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 76 NE 30 - June, 1965.