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It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.

Monument details

HER Number:TQ 67 SW 240
Type of record:Monument
Name:Site of Small Clay Pit, West of Southfleet Road


Small clay pit to the west of Southfleet road. Established by the late 19th century, the quarry was eventually linked via a tramway to more extensive works, formerly part of the Swamscombe park, to the south-west. The quarry became redundant by the 1930's. Currently the quarry is overgrown with scrub and small trees, areas appear to have been backfilled, although the tramway cutting linking to the Swanscombe Park quarry survives, predominantly due to its adaptation as a public footpath. No evidence of tramlines or other quarry related technology survive.

Location accurate to 2m based on available information.

Grid Reference:TQ 6099 7350
Map Sheet:TQ67SW

Monument Types

  • CLAY PIT (Abandoned, Post Medieval to Modern - 1865 AD? to 1940 AD? (at some time))
  • TRAMWAY (Demolished, Modern - 1924 AD? to 1940 AD? (at some time))

Full description

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Small clay pit to the west of Southfleet road. Established by the late 19th century (shown on the 2nd ED OS map), the quarry was eventually linked via a tramway to more extensive works, formerly part of the Swamscombe park, to the south-west. The quarry became redundant by the 1930s. Currently the quarry is overgrown with scrub and small trees, areas appear to have been backfilled, although the tramway cutting linking to the Swanscombe Park quarry survives, predominantly due to its adaptation as a public footpath. No evidence of tramlines or other quarry related technology survive.

Component quarry
Remains yes (tramway cutting)Industrial potential low
Significance low

Recommendations The cutting will survive if its status/use as a public footpath is maintained(1)

Location accurate to 2m based on available information.

<1> Essex County Council, 2003, Aggregates Levy Survey Industrial Sites, KN567 (Unpublished document). SKE12009.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Unpublished document: Essex County Council. 2003. Aggregates Levy Survey Industrial Sites. KN567.