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It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.

Monument details

HER Number:TQ 84 NW 58
Type of record:Monument
Name:Fish Pond, Moatenden Priory, Headcorn


A rectangular fishpond situated to the north-east of the north west corner of the priory moat approximately 38m long and 6m wide with a retaining bank of excavated spoil. It was fed by water from the same stream that filled the moat. No dating evidence is known from the pond so it is not known when the ponds were dug or went out of use, but it is possible that their use continued after the dissolution of the priory. Another rectangular pond is situated to the southwest of the priory moat. It is also probably another priory fishpond, but could also have been part of the manoiral site.

Grid Reference:TQ 81841 46423
Map Sheet:TQ84NW

Monument Types

  • FISHPOND (Abandoned ?, Medieval to Modern - 1224 AD? to 2050 AD)

Full description

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A rectangular fishpond situated to the north-east of the north west corner of the priory moat approximately 38m long and 6m wide with a retaining bank of excavated spoil. It was fed by water from the same stream that filled the moat. No dating evidence is known from the pond so it is not known when the ponds were dug or went out of use, but it is possible that their use continued after the dissolution of the priory. Another rectangular pond is situated to the southwest of the priory moat. It is also probably another priory fishpond, but could also have been part of the manoiral site. (TQ 84 NW 59)(1-2).

<1> Aldridge, N., 1995, The Trinitarian Priory of Motynden at Headcorn (Article in serial). SKE8012.

<2> Aldridge, N, 1995, Moatenden Barn Conversion, Headcorn, Watching Brief 1995 (Unpublished document). SKE8014.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Article in serial: Aldridge, N.. 1995. The Trinitarian Priory of Motynden at Headcorn. CXV pages 177- 212.
<2>Unpublished document: Aldridge, N. 1995. Moatenden Barn Conversion, Headcorn, Watching Brief 1995.