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Monument details

HER Number:TR 36 SE 330
Type of record:Monument
Name:Site of Tomson's Brewery, Queen Street, Ramsgate


A Brewery was formerly located on Queen Street in Ramsgate. It was founded before 1554 and is marked on the Ordnance Survey historic maps (c.1858-1940). The Brewery passed through various hands before it was acquired by Whitbread in the 1960s. It was shortly closed and subsequently demolished. Associated with two malt houses on Elms Avenue (see also TR 36 SE 331 and TR 36 SE 332).

Grid Reference:TR 3804 6481
Map Sheet:TR36SE

Monument Types

  • (Unknown date)
  • BREWERY (Demolished, Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD? to 1968 AD)
  • MALTINGS (Demolished, Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD? to 1968 AD?)

Full description

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Queen Street Brewery was founded before 1554. In 1635 it was sold, including a maltings, by R. Sampson. Acquired by T. Tomson in 1680 and took T. Wotton as a partner in 1867. Merged with Gardner & Co to form Combined Breweries,in 1952, which was later acquired by Whitbread, who closed it in 1968. Demolished by the 1960's.(1) Two Malt houses on Elms Avenue maybe associated with the brewery.(2)

Ordinance Survey, 1872, Ramsgate Kent XXXVIII.1.22 (Map). SKE56202.

<1> Norman Barber (Brewery History Society 1994), A Century of British Brewers 1890-1990 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6449.

<2> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, OS 25" maps 1st, 3rd and 1939 eds. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.

<3> Ordnance Survey, 1862-1875, Ordnance Survey 1:2500 1st Edition : 1862-1875, 1877/1:2500 (Map). SWX11831.

<4> Ordnance Survey, 1928-1947, Ordnance Survey 1:2500 4th edition 1928-1947, 1938/1:2500 (Map). Ske12644.

<5> Ordnance Survey, 2009, OS MasterMap, MasterMap (Cartographic materials). SWX15710.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Map: Ordinance Survey. 1872. Ramsgate Kent XXXVIII.1.22.
<1>Bibliographic reference: Norman Barber (Brewery History Society 1994). A Century of British Brewers 1890-1990.
<2>Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. OS 25" maps 1st, 3rd and 1939 eds..
<3>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1862-1875. Ordnance Survey 1:2500 1st Edition : 1862-1875. 1:2500. 1877/1:2500.
<4>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1928-1947. Ordnance Survey 1:2500 4th edition 1928-1947. 1938/1:2500.
<5>Cartographic materials: Ordnance Survey. 2009. OS MasterMap. MasterMap.

Related records

TR 36 SE 322Parent of: Site of ale stores, Queen's Street, Ramsgate (Monument)