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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 67 SW 1269
Type of record:Findspot
Name:Anglo-Saxon metal objects, New Barn Road, Gravesend


Five Anglo-Saxon Metal objects were found in 1996. The finds are centred on TQ6271 as exact locations are unknown. They included a hanging bowl escutcheon and copper alloy disc brooch dated to the 5-6th century. Also two strap ends and a dress hook, dated to mid to late period.

Associated Finds

  • DRESS (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 1065 AD)

Full description

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Five Anglo-Swaxon Metal objects were found in 1996. The finds are centred on TQ6271 as exact locations are unknown. They included a hanging bowl escutcheon and copper alloy disc brooch dated to the 5-6th century. Also two strap ends and a dress hook, dated to mid to late period.

Andrew Richardson, 2000, Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries and Burial-Sites in Kent (Unpublished document). SKE29253.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Andrew Richardson. 2000. Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries and Burial-Sites in Kent.