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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 67 SW 1804
Type of record:Monument
Name:Middle Bronze Age flint scatter


Activity dated to the middle Bronze Age was located at the top of the peat sequence, at the interface with the overlying 'upper clay silts'. This comprised a small scatter of 81 worked flints. (location accurate to the nearest 5m based on available informaiton)

Grid Reference:TQ 6174 7415
Map Sheet:TQ67SW

Monument Types

Associated Finds

  • WORKED FLINT (Middle Bronze Age - 1600 BC to 1001 BC)

Full description

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Activity dated to the middle Bronze Age was located at the top of the peat sequence, at the interface with the overlying 'upper clay silts'. This comprised a small scatter of 81 worked flints the high proportion of microdebitage and irregular waste in the assemblage implies that it was deposited following a knapping episode. No retouched or utilised pieces were identified. Technologially, the flintwork was probably of Bronze Age dtae. Five sherds of pottery were also recovered from the overlying sediment with a further 44 worked flint and 10 pieces of burint unworked flint. The pottery comprised thick walled rim and body sherds which could be from a single jar or bucket Urn which is likley to have belonged to the Deverel Rimby ceramic tradition.

<1> Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture, 2020, Prehistoric Ebbslfeet (Monograph). SKE54979.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Monograph: Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture. 2020. Prehistoric Ebbslfeet.