It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument details
HER Number: | TQ 67 SW 1802 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Name: | Bronze Age Flint scatter |
A small scatter of 64 struck flints and a concentration opf burnt flint, together with an area of burning was discovered during excavations associated with road construction near ebbsfleet international Station. (location accurate to the nearest 10m based on available informaiton)
Grid Reference: | TQ 6178 7386 |
Map Sheet: | TQ67SW |
Monument Types
- ARTEFACT SCATTER (Middle Bronze Age to Late Bronze Age - 1120 BC to 910 BC) + Sci.Date
Full description
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Within excavation area 4 for the South Thameside Development Route, activity dated to the late Bronze age was located at the top of the peat sequence, at the interface with the overlying upper clay silts (caused by the late Holocene marine incursion which occurred in this area in the Bronze and Iron Age) was a small scatter of 64 struck flints and a concentration opf burnt flint, together with an area of burning. The quantity of the chips and the irregular waste suggest that the flint assemblage contains some knapping debitage, whilst similarities in the flint type indicate that elements from the same knapping sequence have probably been deposited together. Several fragments of late bronze age pot were retrieved from a sample of the burnt flint scatter and a C14 date on peat from the same sample produced a late BA date (1)
<1> Wenban-Smith FF, et al.,, 2012, Prehistoric Ebbsfleet: Excavations and Research in Advance of High Speed 1 and STDR 4. (Monograph). SKE32262.
Sources and further reading
| Source description | <1> | Monograph: Wenban-Smith FF, et al.,. 2012. Prehistoric Ebbsfleet: Excavations and Research in Advance of High Speed 1 and STDR 4.. |