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Monument details

HER Number:TR 34 SW 2576
Type of record:Monument
Name:Former site of Married soldiers quarters, Middle Bailey, Dover Castle


In the area immediately to the south of the inner bailey of Dover Castle, at the former site of the southern (medieval) barbican, was the large three storey building of the married soldiers quarters. These were constructed in 1858-1860 as part of a generous scheme of expansion and modernisation undertaken within the castle during and after the Crimean War (1853-1856) and were demolished in 1964 after the military occupation of the castle ceased in 1963. (location accurate to the nearest 5m based on available information)

Grid Reference:TR 3253 4189
Map Sheet:TR34SW

Monument Types

  • MARRIED QUARTERS (Demolished, Post Medieval to Modern - 1858 AD to 1964 AD)

Full description

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In the area immediately to the south of the inner bailey of Dover Castle, at the former site of the southern (medieval) barbican, was the large three storey building of the married soldiers quarters. These were constructed in 1858-1860 as part of a generous scheme of expansion and modernisation undertaken within the castle during and after the Crimean War (1853-1856) and were demolished in 1964 after the military occupation of the castle ceased in 1963. After their demolition the area formerly occupied by these quarters was turned into a car park. The large foundations of this building were uncovered during excavations in this area undertaken in the 1960’s by Rigold et al. these consisted of brick footing on top of very substantial concrete foundations. These foundations would have withstood a major earthquake and their size could be explained by the presence of an earlier (medieval) ditch in this location. (1) The location of this building is clearly visible on the 1957 Ordnance Survey plan of Dover. (2)

<1> S. E. Rigold, 1967, Excavations at Dover Castle 1964-1966 (Article in serial). SKE52109.

<2> Ordnance Survey, 1957, Ordnance Survey national grid map (1940s-1960s) TR34SW & part of TR33NW - A (Map). SKE52143.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Article in serial: S. E. Rigold. 1967. Excavations at Dover Castle 1964-1966. Vol 30 Issue 1 PP 87-101.
<2>XYMap: Ordnance Survey. 1957. Ordnance Survey national grid map (1940s-1960s) TR34SW & part of TR33NW - A. [Mapped feature: #102582 barracks, ]

Related records

TR 34 SW 5Part of: Dover Castle (Monument)