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Title:Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment: Land at Bridge Nursery, Maidstone, Kent
Originator:CgMs Consulting
Summary:The report sumarises the results of a desk-based assesment on land at Bridge Nursery, Maidstone in 2015. Land at Bridge Nursery, Maidstone, Kent centred at TQ 73880 57488 is proposed for redevelopment. The study site has a low archaeological potential for the Palaeolithic, Roman, Saxon/Early Medieval and Medieval and a low to moderate potential for Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Post-Medieval periods. The site has remained largely undeveloped, bar a plant nursery now on the site. A World War Two pillbox within the site will be retained and conserved. "Due to the site’s largely undeveloped nature, the proposed development has the potential to impact on unknown archaeological remains of local significance where they have not been disturbed by previous use on site. However, in view of the site’s modest archaeological potential, it is suggested that any further archaeological mitigation should comprise of a monitoring exercise (watching brief) during construction ground works. As no remains of national significance are anticipated at the site, it is recommended that any further mitigation could follow the granting of planning consent, secured by an appropriately worded archaeological planning condition."

Associated Monuments

TQ 75 NW 204Type 24 pillbox north east of London Road, Maidstone (Monument) ()