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It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.

Monument details

HER Number:MWX43481
Type of record:Monument
Name:Probable WWI or WWII gun emplacement, Richborough


A probable WWI or WWII gun pit in the form of an elongated mound with a cross-shaped pit in one end. This was seen as an earthwork and mapped from aerial photographs as part of the English Heritage: Richborough Environs Project.

Grid Reference:TR 32405 60811
Map Sheet:TR36SW

Monument Types

Protected Status:Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England: Probable WWI or WWII gun emplacement, Richborough

Full description

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A probable WWI or WWII gun pit in the form of an elongated mound with a lobed cross-shaped trench in its eastern end was seen as an earthwork centred at TR 3240 6081. This trench appears to be lined with pre-cast curved sections of concrete and may extend further beneath the mound.

There is a faint perpendicular bank at its western end which appears to be associated with the main feature. This was not plotted. The site was first noted on RAF vertical photographs taken in 1946 and mapped from photographs taken in 1979 [1]. If this site is a gun pit, it is a form not previously recorded in this area. Although a WWII date has been suggested for this site it is worth noting that intense military activity during WWI is documented in this area and that the feature may relate to this episode.

The most recent photographs of this site taken in August 2002 indicate that the site has been completely plough levelled, visible only as a soil mark [2]. However, the distinct traces of a second cross like structure at the other end of the feature could clearly be seen.

This feature was mapped at 1:2500 scale from aerial photographs as part of the English Heritage: Richborough Environs Project. The transcriptions produced by this project were added to those produced by the South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment (2009-10), see Associated Events. The resulting transcriptions exist as a GIS layer held by this HER [3].

<3> Wessex Archaeology, 2009-10, South-East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - Aerial Photographic Transcriptions (Digital archive). SWX15705.

<3> Wessex Archaeology, 2011, South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - (SE RCZAS) Phase 1: National Mapping Programme Report (Unpublished document). SKE25955.

<3> Cornwall Council Historic Environment Projects and Gloucestershire County Council, 2011, South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey National Mapping Programme Components 1&2: Results of NMP Mapping (Unpublished document). SKE25954.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<3>Unpublished document: Cornwall Council Historic Environment Projects and Gloucestershire County Council. 2011. South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey National Mapping Programme Components 1&2: Results of NMP Mapping.
<3>Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2011. South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - (SE RCZAS) Phase 1: National Mapping Programme Report.
<3>Digital archive: Wessex Archaeology. 2009-10. South-East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey - Aerial Photographic Transcriptions.