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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 66 NE 99
Type of record:Monument
Name:Remaining sections of Hollow Way, Cobham Park


Two remaining sections of a hollow way extant in and predating the South Pleasure Grounds of Cobham Hall. Identified during a survey of the grounds in 2003.

Grid Reference:TQ 68380 68615
Map Sheet:TQ66NE

Monument Types

  • EARTHWORK (Post Medieval - 1641 AD to 1641 AD (pre))
  • HOLLOW WAY (Post Medieval - 1641 AD to 1641 AD (pre))

Full description

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Two remaining sections of a hollow way system extant in and predating the South Pleasure Grounds of Cobham Hall. One section ran north from Lodge Lane, the former main route between Cobham and Strood. This section is 25m in length, 13.00 m wide and 1.10 m deep. This route predates Cobham Park, but probably continued in use as an approach to Cobham Hall. The second section is around 50.0m to the north and proabably represents a branch from the routeway and remains as a 60m long scarp some 0.9m high, aligned south east - north west [1]

Survey work in 1997 revealed several features (earthworks) - probably related to the construction of the park in the mid-late 16th century and modifications thereafter. A bank feature in the western part of the survey area may represent the original boundary marker which was later replaced by the iron fencing. The fencing may date either to the C18th or C19th. The ponds existed since the mid-C17th and have been modified since. (2)

<1> English Heritage, 2003, Cobham Hall, Kent. Lady Darnley's Garden and The South Pleasure Grounds. Survey Report (Article in serial). SWX12868.

<2> Oxford Archaeological Unit, 1997, Historic Landscape surveys at Longham Wood, Honeyhills Wood, Cobham Park and Ashenbank Wood (Unpublished document). SKE13712.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Article in serial: English Heritage. 2003. Cobham Hall, Kent. Lady Darnley's Garden and The South Pleasure Grounds. Survey Report.
<2>Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeological Unit. 1997. Historic Landscape surveys at Longham Wood, Honeyhills Wood, Cobham Park and Ashenbank Wood.

Related records

TQ 66 NE 199Part of: Cobham Hall Park (Landscape)