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Monument details

HER Number:TR 34 SW 1536
Type of record:Monument
Name:Saxon Hut (N2) uncovered during excavation in Dover Town centre, 1985


A Saxon structure was located and excavated within the south eastern extension of the northern excavation site, to the north west of Market Street. The structure first appeared as a ill-defined hollow cut by numerous Medieval pits and cut into the late Roman Deposits. Further excavation revealed that it was sub rectangular with an estimated length of 4.5m and width of about 2.6m. (location accurate to the nearest 2m based on available information)

Grid Reference:TR 31878 41456
Map Sheet:TR34SW

Monument Types

  • GRUBENHAUS (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 600 AD to 799 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?)
  • SPINDLE WHORL (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD? to 899 AD?)
  • COMB (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 500 AD to 699 AD)
  • ANIMAL REMAINS (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 600 AD? to 799 AD?)
  • SHERD (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 600 AD? to 999 AD)

Full description

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(summarised from publication)

A Saxon structure was located and excavated within the south eastern extension of the northern excavation site, to the north west of Market Street. The structure first appeared as a ill defined hollow cut by numerous Medieval pits and cut into the late Roman Deposits. Further excavation revealed that it was sub rectangular with an estimated length of 4.5m and width of about 2.6m, and had been cut into the underlying features by approximately 0.6m.

There is no evidence of a floor and little evidence of the form of the structure itself other than four post holes and a single stake hole. The largest of these post holes, located at the eastern end of the hut, may have held up the roof along with another (now lost) at the western end. The overlying stratification suggests that the hut was deliberately and quickly infilled, to a depth of approximately 50cm. It was then covered by a succession of later deposits which accumulated at a slower pace between the 9th and 10th centuries. It was finally sealed my medieval metalling. A date of the 7th -8th centuries has been given for the constuction, use and demolition of this hut. (1)

<1> Brian Philp., 2003, The Discovery and Excavation of Anglo Saxon Dover (Monograph). SKE31831.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Monograph: Brian Philp.. 2003. The Discovery and Excavation of Anglo Saxon Dover.

Related records

TR 34 SW 147Part of: Anglo Saxon town and port of Dover. (Monument)