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Monument details

HER Number:TR 34 SW 1361
Type of record:Monument
Name:Post medieval floors and walls. St James' Street Dover


Post medieval floors and walls were located during a Watching Brief for trenching for Dover Spine Main in Area 4, which includes James' Street. The pipe trench showed there had been significant disturbance to archaeology, some fragments of post medieval floors survived and one post medieval wall and probably formed part of a cellar. (location accurate to nearest 100m based on available information).

Grid Reference:TR 321 413
Map Sheet:TR34SW

Monument Types

  • OCCUPATION LAYER (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • FLOOR (Post Medieval - 1540 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • WALL (Post Medieval - 1540 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Full description

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A watching brief on trenches for a major new water pipeline for Dover. This is the second phase of works (there were three in total). Area 4 includes James' Street. The pipe trench showed there had been significant disruption to archaeological deposits in this area. The disturbance was caused by cellars of post medieval houses which had originally fronted onto St. James' Street. There was also disturbance by numerous recent service trenches. The archaeology was thus poorly preserved here. This important street of Medieval and post medieval Dover was largely demolished in the post war redevelopment of the town. Victorian disturbance is represented by numerous contexts, some fragments of post medieval floors survived and one post medieval wall and probably formed part of a cellar. Generally the archaeological deposits are heavily truncated. (1)

<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1997, The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief (Unpublished document). SKE7159.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1997. The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief.