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Monument details

HER Number:TR 03 SW 5
Type of record:Monument
Name:Romano-British cremation


A Romano-British cremation deposit consisting of three complete glass vessels and two samian vessels was found in the side of a newly cut sewer in 1970.

Grid Reference:TR 0219 3205
Map Sheet:TR03SW

Monument Types

  • CREMATION (Roman - 43 AD? (at some time) to 409 AD? (at some time))

Associated Finds

  • VESSEL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Full description

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(TR 02193205). A Romano-British cremation deposit consisting of three complete glass vessels and two samian vessels was found by D Body, of Bainbridge Farm, Ham Street, in the side of a newly cut sewer in 1970. (1 - 2)

<1> Arch Can 85 1970 179 (J Bradshaw), 1970, Investigations and Excavations during the Year: Ruckinge, Arch Can 85 1970 179 (J Bradshaw) (Article in serial). SKE7809.

<2> Brian Philp, 1982, Romney Marsh and the Roman Fort at Lympne, KAR 68 1982 185 (BJ Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7806.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Article in serial: Arch Can 85 1970 179 (J Bradshaw). 1970. Investigations and Excavations during the Year: Ruckinge. Arch Can 85 1970 179 (J Bradshaw).
<2>XYArticle in serial: Brian Philp. 1982. Romney Marsh and the Roman Fort at Lympne. KAR 68 1982 185 (BJ Philp). [Mapped feature: #38613 Cremations, ]