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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 95 SE 4
Type of record:Monument
Name:Medieval post-mill mound


Medieval post-mill mound

Grid Reference:TQ 9696 5129
Map Sheet:TQ95SE

Monument Types

Protected Status:Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England: Post medieval Mill mound

Full description

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[TQ 9693 5132] Circular earthwork surrounded by ditch, and E.-W. causeway over ditch. (1) [TQ 9696 5129] In Hurst Wood, upon a slight ridge running N.-S., there is a circular, flat-topped mound measuring 19.0 metres in diameter and 0.7 metres in height. It is surrounded by a ditch which is crossed bycauseways on the N.W. and S.E. Overgrown, otherwise fair condition. In 1961 the mound was excavated by the Charing and District Historical Society and proved to be the site of a medieval post-mill. 14th to 15th century pottery, animal bones, oyster shells and a bronze? knive handle were recovered from the ditch. A report will be published in Arch. Cantiana. Surveyed at 1:2500. (2) Resurveyed at 1:2500. (3) [TQ 9696 5129] Mill Mound [NR] (4) The mound lies on a narrow low ridge in managed woodland, but has not itself been planted with trees; it has a diameter of 20 metres overall and a flattish top 14 metres across with a maximum height of 1 metre. It is encompassed with a ditch 3 metres wide and up to 0.5 metres deep, save on the N.W. and S.E. where there are two level causeways each 3 metres wide. There are two excavation trenches, one across the ditch in the S.W. and the other at the centre of the mound. Both are 3 metres long and 1 metre wide and only partly infilled, but show the construction to be a mixture of earth and flints, the common surface material. Correctly portrayed on the O.S. 25" 1970. (5)

<1> Private 6" Maidstone Museum (L R A Grove Curator Undated) (OS Card Reference). SKE48662.

<2> Information Mr Ryan Charing and Dist Hist Soc Fleet Marsh Cottage Charing Kent (OS Card Reference). SKE44474.

<3> F1 ASP 25-JUL-63 (OS Card Reference). SKE42283.

<4> F2 CFW 02-APR-70 (OS Card Reference). SKE43196.

<5> OS 1:10000 1972 (OS Card Reference). SKE48157.

<6> F3 NVQ 08-OCT-86 (OS Card Reference). SKE43401.

<7> Field report for monument TQ 95 SE 4 - July, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4820.

<8> Field report for monument TQ 95 SE 4 - April, 1970 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4821.

<9> Field report for monument TQ 95 SE 4 - October, 1986 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4822.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>OS Card Reference: Private 6" Maidstone Museum (L R A Grove Curator Undated).
<2>OS Card Reference: Information Mr Ryan Charing and Dist Hist Soc Fleet Marsh Cottage Charing Kent.
<3>XYOS Card Reference: F1 ASP 25-JUL-63. [Mapped feature: #34467 mound, ]
<4>OS Card Reference: F2 CFW 02-APR-70.
<5>OS Card Reference: OS 1:10000 1972.
<6>OS Card Reference: F3 NVQ 08-OCT-86.
<7>Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 95 SE 4 - July, 1963.
<8>Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 95 SE 4 - April, 1970.
<9>Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 95 SE 4 - October, 1986.