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Monument details

HER Number:TR 34 SW 1933
Type of record:Monument
Name:19th Century wall foundation located at Archcliffe Fort, Western Heights, Dover


During an archaeological watching brief undertaken on service trenches by Canterbury Archaeological Trust at Archcliffe Fort, Western Heights, Dover in 2012, a 19th century wall foundation was uncovered which may have once belonged to the Royal Engineers Offices which occupied this part of the fort in the 19th century. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)

Grid Reference:TR 3152 4029
Map Sheet:TR34SW

Monument Types

Full description

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During an archaeological watching brief undertaken on service trenches by Canterbury Archaeological Trust at Archcliffe Fort, Western Heights, Dover in 2012 a 19th century wall foundation was uncovered. The foundation was located 3.50m north-west of the north corner of the main accommodation block and was constructed from two courses of standard nineteenth-century red and yellow stock bricks, set in a hard grey mortar containing frequent coal and chalk/lime fragments. It survived to a height of 0.22m and rested on undisturbed ground. It appears to constitute the southern corner of a room/structure of unknown extent. A large scale map of the fort produced in 1884 suggests that this walling probably belonged to the then Royal Engineers Offices which occupied this part of the fort. (1)

<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2012, Archaeological Watching-brief at Archcliffe Fort, Dover, June 2012 (Unpublished document). SKE17598.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>XYUnpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2012. Archaeological Watching-brief at Archcliffe Fort, Dover, June 2012. [Mapped feature: #91797 C19th wall foundation, ]