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Title:Archaeological Survey of Mineral Extraction Sites around the Thames Estuary
Originator:Essex County Council & Kent County Council
Summary:Survey of sites in Kent and Essex effected by aggregate works. Second part of survey considering palaeolithic sites

Associated Monuments

TQ 67 SW 3416 ovate Palaeolithic handaxes from New Craylands Lane Pit (East Side) (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 48Baker's Hole Palaeolithic Site, Southfleet Pit, Swanscombe - Levalloisian flints and fossil animal remains (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SE 220Bartholomew's Hill, Swanscombe, surface finds of 12 Palaeolithic handaxes and 3 debitage, found in late 19th Century (Findspot) ()
TQ 57 SE 242Bronze Age Pottery, Collyers Pit (Findspot) ()
TQ 67 SW 448Ebbsfleet Area B (Baker's Hole), with Palaeolithic Levalloisian occupation floors, mammalian fossils and other palaeo-environmental remains (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SE 16Globe Pit, Greenhithe, Palaeolithic handaxes found in early 20th Century (Findspot) ()
TQ 57 SE 7Handaxes, flakes, mammalian fossils and other palaeoenvironmental remains from 100 ft terrace deposits at Dierden's Pit, Knockhall Road (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 41Later Prehistoric skeleton "Galley Hill Man", interred in Pleistocene gravels at Galley Hill, Swanscombe (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SW 120Numerous Palaeolithic handaxes from Pearson's Pit, Dartford (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 35Palaeolithic artefacts and molluscan remains from Ricksons Pit, AKA Barracks Pit (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SE 161Palaeolithic Find, Former Stonewood Brickyard (Site of) (Findspot) ()
TQ 57 SE 160Palaeolithic flakes and mammalian fossils of uncertain date at Stone, Res 1. (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 1431Palaeolithic handaxe and flakes from terrace gravels at Galley Hill Pit (N), aka "Higgins' Pit" (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SW 17Palaeolithic handaxe found in front garden at 14 St. James Road, Dartford in 1962 (Findspot) ()
TQ 67 SW 94Palaeolithic Handaxe from Swanscombe Wood Clay Pit (Findspot) ()
TQ 67 SW 60Palaeolithic handaxe, flakes and animal bones from gravel terrace outcrops to west of St. Botolph's church, Northfleet Northfleet (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SE 161Palaeolithic handaxe, mammalian fossils and molluscs from terrace sands/gravels at Dartford Brent (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SW 68Palaeolithic handaxes, flakes and mammoth remains from Smith's Pit, Warren Road (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 245Palaeolithic handaxes, other flint artefacts and animal bone from area E1, Eastern Quarry Area B, Swanscombe (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 1732Palaeolithic land surfaces, working floors, flint findspots and faunal remains uncovered in Barnfield pit. (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 91Palaeolithic levallois flakes from New Craylands Lane Pit (East). (Findspot) ()
TQ 57 SW 16Palaeolithic Working Site, Bowman's Lodge Gravel Pit (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SW 223Roman/ Iron Age features and Bronze Age pottery at East Hill House, East Hill, Dartford (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 433Site of Deposits with palaolithic potetial the Galley Hill Pit complex. (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SE 219The Swanscombe Skull, Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SW 53Two Palaeolithic handaxes from Wood's pit, Dartford Heath (Monument) ()
TQ 67 SW 445Unprovenanced Palaeolithic artefacts and mammalian fossils from "Bevan's Pit" , the original late 19th C quarry also known as Baker's Hole (Findspot) ()
TQ 57 SW 1096Wansunt Pit, new eastern access road, 4 Palaeolithic flakes from Dartford Heath Gravel. (Monument) ()
TQ 57 SW 125Wansunt Pit, numerous mint condition handaxes and flakes recovered from the "Wansunt Loam" in the eastern extension of the main Wansunt Pit, Dartford (Monument) ()