TQ 67 SW 34 | 16 ovate Palaeolithic handaxes from New Craylands Lane Pit (East Side) (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 48 | Baker's Hole Palaeolithic Site, Southfleet Pit, Swanscombe - Levalloisian flints and fossil animal remains (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SE 220 | Bartholomew's Hill, Swanscombe, surface finds of 12 Palaeolithic handaxes and 3 debitage, found in late 19th Century (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SE 242 | Bronze Age Pottery, Collyers Pit (Findspot) () | |
TQ 67 SW 448 | Ebbsfleet Area B (Baker's Hole), with Palaeolithic Levalloisian occupation floors, mammalian fossils and other palaeo-environmental remains (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SE 16 | Globe Pit, Greenhithe, Palaeolithic handaxes found in early 20th Century (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SE 7 | Handaxes, flakes, mammalian fossils and other palaeoenvironmental remains from 100 ft terrace deposits at Dierden's Pit, Knockhall Road (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 41 | Later Prehistoric skeleton "Galley Hill Man", interred in Pleistocene gravels at Galley Hill, Swanscombe (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 120 | Numerous Palaeolithic handaxes from Pearson's Pit, Dartford (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 35 | Palaeolithic artefacts and molluscan remains from Ricksons Pit, AKA Barracks Pit (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SE 161 | Palaeolithic Find, Former Stonewood Brickyard (Site of) (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SE 160 | Palaeolithic flakes and mammalian fossils of uncertain date at Stone, Res 1. (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1431 | Palaeolithic handaxe and flakes from terrace gravels at Galley Hill Pit (N), aka "Higgins' Pit" (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 17 | Palaeolithic handaxe found in front garden at 14 St. James Road, Dartford in 1962 (Findspot) () | |
TQ 67 SW 94 | Palaeolithic Handaxe from Swanscombe Wood Clay Pit (Findspot) () | |
TQ 67 SW 60 | Palaeolithic handaxe, flakes and animal bones from gravel terrace outcrops to west of St. Botolph's church, Northfleet Northfleet (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SE 161 | Palaeolithic handaxe, mammalian fossils and molluscs from terrace sands/gravels at Dartford Brent (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 68 | Palaeolithic handaxes, flakes and mammoth remains from Smith's Pit, Warren Road (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 245 | Palaeolithic handaxes, other flint artefacts and animal bone from area E1, Eastern Quarry Area B, Swanscombe (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 1732 | Palaeolithic land surfaces, working floors, flint findspots and faunal remains uncovered in Barnfield pit. (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 91 | Palaeolithic levallois flakes from New Craylands Lane Pit (East). (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 16 | Palaeolithic Working Site, Bowman's Lodge Gravel Pit (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 223 | Roman/ Iron Age features and Bronze Age pottery at East Hill House, East Hill, Dartford (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 433 | Site of Deposits with palaolithic potetial the Galley Hill Pit complex. (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SE 219 | The Swanscombe Skull, Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 53 | Two Palaeolithic handaxes from Wood's pit, Dartford Heath (Monument) () | |
TQ 67 SW 445 | Unprovenanced Palaeolithic artefacts and mammalian fossils from "Bevan's Pit" , the original late 19th C quarry also known as Baker's Hole (Findspot) () | |
TQ 57 SW 1096 | Wansunt Pit, new eastern access road, 4 Palaeolithic flakes from Dartford Heath Gravel. (Monument) () | |
TQ 57 SW 125 | Wansunt Pit, numerous mint condition handaxes and flakes recovered from the "Wansunt Loam" in the eastern extension of the main Wansunt Pit, Dartford (Monument) () | |