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Title:Dover Town Centre Investment Zone: Archaeological Appraisal Stage 2
Originator:Canterbury Archaeological Trust
Summary:A report which gives information of the development of the Dover town centre and the achaeological investigations that took place before construction. It covers a roughly rectangular area measuring 230m (NW - SE) by 450m (NE - SW) delimited by present day York Street, Townwall Street, Woolcomber Street Castle Street, King Street and Queen Street.

Associated Monuments

TR 34 SW 1339Late post medieval/20th century walling on Fishmongers Lane, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 591Medieval deposits at Dover Sports Centre site, Townwall St/Woolcomber Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 589Medieval deposits NE corner of Townwall St and Woolcomber St, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 583Medieval deposits, Atina House, Bench Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 581Medieval features and deposits in Fishmongers Lane, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1384Medieval Features and post medieval cess tanks. Bench Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1178Medieval occupation deposits, Bench Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1382Medieval occupational debris, York Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 584Medieval remains within Flying Horse Lane Bridge, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1176Medieval riverside quay, Bench Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1177Medieval road metalling, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1179Medieval rubbish pit, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1180Medieval structure with barrel vaulted roof, Castle Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 580Medieval Town Wall beneath the York Street Roundabout, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 578Post medieval remains Queen Street / Last Lane, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1357Post medieval/Medieval graveyard associated with St James's church, Woolcomber Street, Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 582Roman structure, Bench Street Dover (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 1410Roman walling and stratified deposits, south eastern side of Market Square, Dover. (Monument) ()
TR 34 SW 579Wind blown sand deposit, York street, Dover. (Monument) ()