TR 34 SW 2560 | 18th century additions to Moat's Bulwark, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2572 | 19th century Constables House and garden (attached to medieval gate) Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 650 | Admiralty Look-Out, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2598 | Admiralty Naval Radar Station, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2593 | Annexe level wartime tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2585 | Ashford Flank, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2497 | Avanches Flank, outer curtain, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2496 | Avanches tower, outer curtain, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2559 | Avranches Flank and the reconstructed eastern ditch at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2520 | Barracks, now visitor toilets within the inner bailey at Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2521 | Bell Battery, Middle Bailey, Dover Castle. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2571 | Bread and meat store, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2507 | Bridge and tunnels towards the spur and St. Johns Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2501 | C13th addition to Peverells Tower and Gateway, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2766 | C18th Barracks within the Medieval Aurthurs Hall, Inner bailey, Dover Castle. (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2238 | C18th Barracks, now known as Keep Yard 7, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2237 | C18th Barracks, now an Education Room, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2240 | C18th Officers Barracks, now known as Keep Yard 8, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2242 | C18th Officers Barracks, now known as Keep Yard 9, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2600 | C18th part of Esplanade level tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2243 | C18th soldiers barracks, now a shop within the Inner Bailey of Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2761 | C20th extension to the Esplanade level tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2545 | Cannons Gate and bridge caponier, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2544 | Cannons Gate Casemates, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2575 | Caponier at Constables Gateway, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2543 | Casemates between Fitzwilliam Gate and Avranches Tower, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2580 | Castemates associated with the Shoulder of Mutton Battery, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2584 | Castle Hill Steps, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2483 | Chapel within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2546 | Cinque Ports Prison, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2493 | Coltons Gate an part of the Middle Bailey Wall and associated earthwork, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2557 | Constables Bastion, outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2509 | Constables gate, tower, barbican and residence outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2504 | Crevecoeur's Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2495 | Curtain wall between Fitzwilliam and Avranches at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2555 | Ditch and counterscarp on the eastern side of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 5 | Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 877 | DOVER CASTLE KEEP (Listed Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2595 | Dragon's Teeth Tank Traps and infantry position, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2594 | Dumpy Level Wartime Tunnels, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2553 | East Arrow Bastion outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2566 | East Casemates, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2583 | East Demi Bastion battery, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2552 | East Demi Bastion, and East Demi Passage outer Defences, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2577 | Eastern Terreplein, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2578 | Expense Magazines on the eastern terreplein, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2508 | Fitzwilliam Gate, outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2562 | Former site of 18th century barracks to the south of the Keep at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2494 | Former site of barbican and towers protecting the Palace Gate within the Middle Bailey at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2568 | Former site of buildings, including stables and barracks, to the rear of the Officers New Barracks, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2589 | Former site of East Arrow Barracks, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2590 | Former site of Military Camp, Broadlees Bottom, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2498 | Former site of Pencester Tower, outer curtain, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2588 | Former site of Royal Garrison Artillery Barracks (Stone Hut 2) Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2569 | Former site of the Military Hospital, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2601 | Former site of the Pentic linking Arthurs Hall to the Keep wihtin the inner Bailey at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2522 | Four Gun Battery, Middle Bailey, Dover Castle. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2514 | Fulbert of Dover's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2511 | Gattons Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2503 | Godsfoe Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2561 | Guildford battery, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2599 | Guilford Shaft, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2547 | Gunpowder Magazine, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2549 | Horseshoe Bastion on the outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2582 | Hospital Battery, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2513 | Hurst's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2554 | Husdson Bastion, outer defences at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2485 | Kitchen and medieval bread oven within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2592 | Later Alterations to the Casemate level tunnels at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2574 | Long Gun Magazine, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2744 | Medieval ditch on the eastern side of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2556 | Medieval ditch on the western side of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2764 | Medieval masonry possibly originally belonging to the 'Old Hall' within the Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2765 | Medieval masonry relating to the former site of the 'King's Chambers', Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 1874 | Medieval remains within Arthur's Hall, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2551 | Medieval Tunnels beneath the Spur Redan at Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2770 | Medieval Walling of the former site of Arthurs Lesser Hall, Inner Bailey of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2768 | Medieval walling realting to the former site of Medival Kitchens, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2767 | Medieval walling relating to the former site of service rooms and a Porch to Arthurs Hall, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2771 | Medieval walling relating to the former site of the Duke of Suffolk's, and later Duke of Buckingham's Lodgings, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2769 | Medieval walling relating to the possible former site of Armoury, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2518 | Moats Bulwark, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2548 | Napoleonic tunnels – Casemate Level, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2505 | Norfolk Towers, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2506 | North eastern section of the outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2519 | Officers Barracks, now the education block within the inner bailey at Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2492 | Palace Gateway, inner bailey, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2523 | Palace green Well, Middle Bailey, Dover Castle. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2500 | Peverells Tower and Gateway, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 646 | Pillbox at the foot of Horseshoe Bastion, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 642 | Possible Iron Age Hillfort at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2241 | Possible Medieval cistern or cellar beneath Keep Yard 8, withn the inner bailey of Dover Castle. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2239 | Possible site of buried Medieval walls relating to the possible former sites of the Kitchen within the Inner Bailey, Dover Castle Kent (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 220 | Possible site of Windmill at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2743 | Post medieval additions to the western outer defences of Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1404 | Post Medieval make-up layers & surfaces. Sea Sport Centre, Dover (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2502 | Queen Mary's Tower, Outer Curtain, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2235 | Regimental Museum (North) - C18th Barracks Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2234 | Regimental Museum (South), C18th Barracks, Inner Bailey, Dover Castle, Kent (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2515 | Rokesley's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2587 | Royal Garrison Artillery Barracks (Stone Hut 1) Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2586 | Saluting Platform, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2512 | Says Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2581 | Shot Yard Battery, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2564 | Site of soldiers canteen, now a restaurant on the southern side of the inner bailey at Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 647 | Six Pounder Anti-Tank Position at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2510 | South eastern curtain wall between Peverell's Tower and the Cliff, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2499 | South western outer curtain wall, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2762 | Southern entrance to Long Gun Magazine, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2573 | The Constables Stable and Carriage House, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2490 | The eastern curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2565 | The Garrison School, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2482 | The Kings chambers within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2487 | The Kings Gateway Barbican and bridge Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2486 | The Kings Gateway, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2481 | The Kings Hall within the Keep at Dover Castle, Kent (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2488 | The north curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2550 | The northern Spur earthworks, spur redan and associated caponiers, outer defences at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2567 | The Officers New Barracks/Officers Mess, Dover Castle (Listed Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2570 | The Regimental Institute (NAFFI) at Dover Castle (Listed Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 876 | The Regimental Sergeant Major’s House, Dover Castle (Listed Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2579 | The Shoulder of Mutton Battery, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2491 | The southern curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2524 | The Spur casemates, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2517 | The Tudor Bulwark, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2489 | The western curtain wall of the inner bailey, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2516 | Treasurer's Tower, outer curtain Dover Castle, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2558 | Wall and bank on the southern side of the middle bailey at Dover Castle. (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2597 | World War 2 Air Raid Shelters, Dover Castle (Building) () | |
TR 34 SW 2596 | World War 2 Anti Aircraft Gun Emplacements, Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 2591 | WWI Slit trenches along the outer defences at Dover Castle (Monument) () | |
TR 34 SW 1402 | WWII Anti-tank ditch, Broadlees Bottom, Dover (Monument) () | |