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Monument details

HER Number:TR 34 SW 1386
Type of record:Monument
Name:Medieval /early post medieval well, occupation debris and walls, Woolcomber/Townwall Street, Dover.


Two late Medieval or early post medieval walls were recorded by members of the New Dover and Reculver Excavation Groups. The deposits, comprising alternate layers of dumped chalk rubble and occupation debris, range in date from the 13th to 16th centuries (location accurate to the nearest 20m based on availabe information).

Grid Reference:TR 3229 4150
Map Sheet:TR34SW

Monument Types

  • DEMOLITION LAYER (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1200 AD? to 1599 AD?)
  • OCCUPATION LAYER (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1200 AD? to 1599 AD?)
  • WELL (Medieval - 1200 AD to 1299 AD)
  • WALL (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1500 AD? to 1599 AD?)

Full description

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Deep excavations for the new swimming pool in 1971 allowed the rapid recording of an extensive sequence of Medieval deposits by members of the New Dover and Reculver Excavation Groups. The deposits, comprising alternate layers of dumped chalk rubble and occupation debris, ranges in date from the 13th to 16th centuries. Two late Medieval or early post medieval walls were also recorded, together with a 13th century well. The recorded sequence can now be seen to be largely the same as that revealed at the nearby B.P filling station and Russell Street car park. (taken from source). (1)

<1> Council for Kentish Archaeology, 1971, Kent Archaeological Review; Medieval Site at Dover. Vol 26 (Article in serial). SKE31751.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Article in serial: Council for Kentish Archaeology. 1971. Kent Archaeological Review; Medieval Site at Dover. Vol 26. Vol. 26, page 160-161.

Related records

TR 34 SW 591Part of: Medieval deposits at Dover Sports Centre site, Townwall St/Woolcomber Street, Dover (Monument)