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Monument details

HER Number:TR 34 SW 223
Type of record:Findspot
Name:Medieval pottery, Woolcomber Street


Medieval pottery located at the site of the Dover Sports Centre off Woolcomber Street during works undertaken there in the 1970's. (location accurate to the nearest 10m based on available information).

Grid Reference:TR 3228 4150
Map Sheet:TR34SW

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (POTTERY, Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Medieval - 1300 AD? to 1499 AD?)

Full description

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A number of Medieval sherds were discovered by Mr S Webb of Shepherds Well whilst operating a mechanical digger in connection with a new proposed sports centre in Dover (TR 3241). The collected 50 sherds dating to the 14th/15th century which included about three-quarters of a vessel approximately 12ins high and 10ins in diameter. (1)

<1> Doug Crellin, 1974, Kent Archaeological Review: Public Support for the Archaeologist Vol. 35, KAR 35 1974 155 (D Crellin) (Article in serial). SKE31834.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Article in serial: Doug Crellin. 1974. Kent Archaeological Review: Public Support for the Archaeologist Vol. 35. Vol . 35 (Spring 1974) pp. 155. KAR 35 1974 155 (D Crellin).

Related records

TR 34 SW 591Part of: Medieval deposits at Dover Sports Centre site, Townwall St/Woolcomber Street, Dover (Monument)