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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 85 NW 241
Type of record:Monument
Name:Roman building, Snagbrook Farm, Hollingbourne


Parchmark showed in pasture in August 2006. Resistivity survey revealed a building 23m x16m orientated east west,with one aisle on north side and a possible second aisle on the south. Possibly a curved apse at the west end.

Grid Reference:TQ 8393 5516
Map Sheet:TQ85NW

Monument Types

Associated Finds

  • BODY SHERD (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Full description

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Resistivity survey revealed a building orientated east --->west 23mX16m with a north aisle and a vague possible south aisle. A mechanical digger was used to strip a section off the centre area but no floor was revealed. Turf removal across one wall revealed a 70cm wall of ragstone similar to building 1. Although it was not investigated there appeared to be an apse at the west end on the resistivity print-out. (1)

Plans. (2)

<1> Lenham Archaeological Society, 2008, Discovering Ancient Lenham: Volume 1 Edition 2: Magnetometer Surveys of Stumbles Field and Court Meadow: A Synopsis of the report by Bartlett-Clark Consultancy (Serial). SKE13584.

<2> Lenham Archaeological Society, 2008, Various finds from Lenham - Lenham Archaeology Society (Unpublished document). SKE16597.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Serial: Lenham Archaeological Society. 2008. Discovering Ancient Lenham: Volume 1 Edition 2: Magnetometer Surveys of Stumbles Field and Court Meadow: A Synopsis of the report by Bartlett-Clark Consultancy.
<2>Unpublished document: Lenham Archaeological Society. 2008. Various finds from Lenham - Lenham Archaeology Society.