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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 73 NE 97
Type of record:Listed Building


Grade II* listed building. Main construction periods 1400 to 1999. 15th c cloth hall with later additions

Grid Reference:TQ 77432 38209
Map Sheet:TQ73NE

Monument Types

  • CLOTH HALL (Medieval to Modern - 1400 AD to 2050 AD)
Protected Status:Listed Building (II*) 1347912: FRIEZLEY AND WEAVERS

Full description

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Description from record TQ 73 NE 13 :
(TQ 77433821) Friezley (NAT) (1) Friezley, Friezley Lane, Cranbrook. Grade II*. Cloth hall, now 2 houses. C15 and C16 with C19 and C20 alterations and early C20 block to north. Timber framed. (2) [For full description see list]. Friezley was run as a farm by the Overseers of the Parish in the 18th century with the work of the unemployed of the Parish. (3)

The following text is from the original listed building designation:
1608/3/101 FRIEZLEY LANE 09-JUN-52 (East side) Friezley and Weavers
Cloth hall, now 2 houses. C15 and C16 with C19 and C20 alterations and early C20 block to north. Timber framed and close studded with plaster infilled to south east and west on part brick, part rendered, part stone plinth. Red brick with tile hung first floor to north. Plain tiled roofs with C19 barge-boards in gablets. WEST (ENTRANCE) SIDE: 3 return gables, that to left early C20 and projecting, with side of south return front set back at right. Red brick clad- ding on ground floor of centre with close studding on first floor and in gable. Irregular 3 window front, casements. C20 arched brick porch with stepped and curved gabled hood to right, projecting from wide brick chimney breast rising to stack through right hand gable. SOUTH FRONT: Timber framed and plaster in filling on brick and rendered plinth. Centre return gabled wing with wing set back to left and wing to right further back, (the gabled return wing of the east front). 2 storeys and attics with garret in gable. 1 large gabled dormer to left. Jetty over ground floor to left and under gable in centre. 2 windows on first floor to left, that to left a shallow 5-light early C16 oriel. 3 windows below jetty, to left. 2 windows on first floor of gabled wing, with a C19 pentice-roofed bay flanked by two small blocked C16 windows. Various casements. EAST FRONT: 2 storeys. Timber framed with close studding to left, red brick with tile hanging to right in return gable end to left of centre with jetties over ground and first floors. Projecting stack to front at left and projecting stack to left of return wing. Irregular fenestration of 2 windows on first floor to left, and 5 windows to right on both floors, (2 in timber-framed section to left on both floors, 3 in brick section to right). Blocked window in end of return gable, with wide octagonal oriel on carved brackets on first floor, flanked by 2-light blocked windows and with 6-light windows on ground floor. 1 door into basement to left with 1/2-glazed door in angle up 8 brick steps. Interior: Substantial timber-frame. Extra-ordinary wide fireplace with very long low Tudor-arched moulded wooden surround. Seats inside fireplace and window to right. Early C20 neo-Caroline staircase. Ribbed ceiling in drawing room. Various surviving mullioned windows. Roof later rebuilt. Listing NGR: TQ7743238209 (4)

HE archive material: RCH01/048/01/222 Labelled sheet of drawings of Friezley, Cranbrook, with a sketch plan, and a detail section of a cross-beam

Additional reference (5)

The building is now made up of three properties, Pound House, Weavers Cottage and Gaythorne. They have been built in three distinctive phases, the first two phases in the first third of the 17th century. A five bay range running north south was built in the period 1600-1610. A cross wing was built to the southern end at right angles, probably in the 1630s. Possibly during the late 17th or early 18th centuries, the main range was extended by two unequal bays including a stack at the northern end. (6)

Historic England archive material: BF040520 POUND HOUSE, THE COTTAGE AND GAYTHORNE, CRANBROOK File of material relating to a site or building. This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate.

<1> OS 1:2500 1970 (OS Card Reference). SKE48212.

<2> DOE(HHR) Tunbridge Well Dist Kent (Cranbrook Ph) 19 May 1986 34 (OS Card Reference). SKE41209.

<3> MHLG Prov List Cranbrook RD Kent Nov 1960 34 (OS Card Reference). SKE47146.

<4> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

<5> Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T., 1994, A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent (Monograph). SKE8010.

<6> Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T., 1994, A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent (Monograph). SKE8010.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>OS Card Reference: OS 1:2500 1970.
<2>OS Card Reference: DOE(HHR) Tunbridge Well Dist Kent (Cranbrook Ph) 19 May 1986 34.
<3>OS Card Reference: MHLG Prov List Cranbrook RD Kent Nov 1960 34.
<4>XYMap: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #39150 cloth hall, ]
<5>Monograph: Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T.. 1994. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent.
<6>Monograph: Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T.. 1994. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent.