It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument details
A feature identified as a Tumulus called 'Giant's Grave' was located in fields near Coldharbour Farm to the east of Wye. The monument was dug into before 1822 and broken pieces of "an urn or urns" were found. At this site has also been identified a pillow mound, or an artificial warren for rabbits. This feature is oblong in shape and is surrounded by a slight ditch. It has been badly mutilated by recent excavation the spill from which has almost filled the ditch on the north west side. It is unclear whether both a burial mound and a pillow mound existed at this site, whether the pillow mound was built on top of the Tumulus, or whether its earlier identification as a burial mound was inaccurate.
Grid Reference: | TR 0721 4643 |
Map Sheet: | TR04NE |
Monument Types
- ROUND BARROW (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
- PILLOW MOUND (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD? (at some time) to 1900 AD? (at some time))
Associated Finds
- SHERD (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
Full description
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(TR 07214643) The Giant's Grave (NAT) Tumulus (NR) (1) The Giant's Grave was dug into before 1822 by a Mr Tassell who found "an urn or urns" which were broken. Morris later picked up fragments of pottery and two pieces of thick opaque green glass. (2) Pillow mound situated in the bottom and at the foot of a dry coomb. Oblong and surrounded by a slight ditch it measures 20.0m in length, 8.0m in width and 0.6m in height. It has been badly mutilated by recent excavation the spill from which has almost filled the ditch on the NW side. Pub. 25" survey correct. (3) This feature is no longer extant. (4)
<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.
<2> Hist of Wye 1842 13-14 (W J Morris) (OS Card Reference). SKE44052.
<3> F1 CFW 16-MAY-1963 (OS Card Reference). SKE42601.
<4> Field report for monument TR 04 NE 2 - May, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5118.
<5> OS 1:2500 1974 (OS Card Reference). SKE48216.
Sources and further reading
| Source description | <1> | OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961. |
<2> | OS Card Reference: Hist of Wye 1842 13-14 (W J Morris). |
<3>XY | OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 16-MAY-1963. [Mapped feature: #38634 barrow, ] |
<4> | Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 04 NE 2 - May, 1963. |
<5> | OS Card Reference: OS 1:2500 1974. |